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"You ok?" Yoongi asked, seeing Hoseok's frustrated face when he walked into their dorm.

"Mhm. but I've confirmed something." Hoseok said as he sat down next to Yoongi on the bed.

"What have you confirmed?" Yoongi asked.

"That it was indeed Joleun who poisoned me." He answered, hugging the older from the side.

Yoongi wrapped his arm around Hoseok and rubbed his side gently. "Are you gonna report him?"

"I dont want to get him expelled. we all worked hard to get into this college."

"Just because someone works hard doesnt mean it makes it ok for them to do whatever they want. Working hard is always a challenge, and even a small mistake can ruin your hard work. its up to you to be careful about your decisions to make sure your hard work wasnt in vain." Yoongi spoke.

Hoseok nodded. he couldnt even try to disagree with that. yoongi was right. Joluen may have worked hard to get into the school, but if he really cared about staying there he wouldve been more thoughtful about his actions.

"I'll report him tomorrow." Hoseok finally decided.

"Good! oh, and I set up an appointment with a doctor well versed with supernatural abilities. You wanted to know why you get all weird around me, right? we can check that out on Wednesday." Yoongi explained.

"Oh wow ok-" Hoseok said, a bit surprised yoongi had taken it upon himself to do that.

"What? are you shocked that I have the ability to make appointments? wow, its almost like I'm not a full grown adult!" Yoongi said with a bright, sarcastic smile.

"Yea, a full grown adult who cant make friends on his own." Hoseok teased, smirking slightly.

Yoongi pouted and wacked the younger over the head. "Oh shut up you little brat."

"Nah, you love me~" Hoseok sang.

Yoongi simply hummed in response and kissed Hoseok's head gently.

"you're so cute, Seokie." Yoongi whispered to him.

"Nah, you're cuter." Hoseok said, lifting his head slightly to look at Yoongi.

"You look tired, babe." yoongi said, kissing Hoseok's slightly pouty lips gently.

"I'm not tired."

"You look it."

"Well I'm not"

"yes you are"

"no I'm not"

"yes you are"

"no I'm not"

"no you're not"

"yes I am- FUCK-"

Yoongi laughed at that and ruffled Hoseok's hair. "the fact that you fell for that proves that you're tired."

"I guess youre right..." Hoseok finally admitted.

"Ha! now sleep you baby" yoongi said, going back to playing with his hair.

Hoseok relaxed with Yoongi's hands in his hair and hummed quietly, his eyes closing. "You're so sweet, hyung..."

"You think so?" yoongi asked with a small smile.

Hoseok nodded, his whole body suddenly feeling relaxed and at ease. he felt ok when he was with Yoongi. little did he know, yoongi was using his abilities to make Hoseok feel safer.

"How are you feeling?" yoongi asked.

hoseok was quiet for a little while before answering, his voice clearly drifting off now. his answer was the last thing he said before falling asleep. "I feel safe."

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