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"What-?" Hoseok asked, taken aback slightly by the sudden question.

"Well, normally you spend your weekends with Yoongi. So what happened? Are you still avoiding him?" Jin asked.

Damn. Too observant.

"No..." hoseok answered quietly.

"Then what's the problem?"

Hoseok sighed and was quiet for a little while before explaining the whole situation to Jin.

For a run down, basically Hoseok had felt really off with Yoongi for some strange reasons that he didnt know about. He dealt with it at first but then it happened again. He didnt like it. It was new and different and made him uncomfortable. He noticed it only happened around Yoongi so he felt the best way to avoid it was to avoid Yoongi. One night, Yoongi had an anxiety attack after a nightmare and Hoseok tried to help him with it but he felt that same uncomfortable feeling and left Yoongi to deal with it himself. after that, it was the 3rd time he had felt the strange feeling while he was near Yoongi so again, he decided it was best to avoid the older boy all together. They hadnt spoken for about a week until Yoongi finally confronted Hoseok about it. that was the previous night. after Hoseok explained himself, yoongi was upset by his reasoning. It was selfish and it was wrong. He left to spend the night with Taehyung, and Hoseok was left wondering why he couldnt feel guilty for making someone he cared about upset.

Jin just stared at Hoseok after the entire explanation before slapping him upside the head. "You're such an idiot, Jung." He said seriously.

Hoseok just nodded in agreement. Jin wasnt wrong. He was an idiot for avoiding yoongi like that. It was selfish and it wouldve been a lot smarter for them to just talk about the issue. Perhaps yoongi would've understood the situation.

"You need to apologize." Jin said, frowning at Hoseok.

"How am I supposed to do that when I cant feel guilty? It wont be genuine."

"Well, you're just gonna have to try. You cant leave it how it is."

Hoseok sighed and put his head in his hands. "I dont even know what to say. I dont understand how he feels. I cant understand how he feels. I fucking hate it. I hate this stupid ability. I used to think it was cool but now I realize I'm just....am I emotionless? Maybe Yoongi hyung was right when I first met him. Maybe i am a sociopath..." hoseok started to panic.

Jin grabbed his hands and squeezed them tightly. "You're not emotionless or a sociopath. It's hard to understand an emotion you can't feel. While you should try to understand and feel guilty, don't beat yourself up over this. You're response was natural. wrong, but I understand it." Jin spoke calmly.

Hoseok just nodded, squeezing Jin's hands back. "Thank you..." he said quietly back.

"Are you upset about this?" The older asked curiously.

"Not really upset...just frustrated." Hoseok answered. "You know I cant feel upset." He said with a light laugh.

"Ah, right. No sad emotions." Jin reminded himself and Hoseok nodded.

"Right. When should I apologize...?" he asked.

"Well first get your emotions straight. But the next time you see him and are able to talk. Maybe when he decides to come back to your dorm." jin offered..

"Alright I'll try then. Thank you, hyung." Hoseok said with a small smile that Jin returned.

"Yea yea, no problem, Hobi." Jin said, patting the younger's back. "Now, I'm hungry. You didn't come here just to talk about your boy problems. You wanna go get some food?"

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