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Hoseok was out of the hosptial after a day. the doctors couldn't see anything wrong with him other than the posion and they were able to get that out of his system with a bit of work.

of course, they still didnt know where the fluke in his abilities came from.

"When did you even start feeling pain?" Jimin asked as they walked back to Hoseok and Yoongi's dorm as a group.

"Right after Yoongi hyung walked in. I started feeling that heavy feeling in my chest again. I hate that feeling. I still have the urge to run away whenever I get it." he admitted to Yoongi.

yoongi nodded a little in understanding. "And then after that you started feeling the real pain?"

"Yea. I dont want to be mean, but the only thing I can think of is it has something to do with you, hyung." Hoseok said.

"Why Yoongi hyung?" Taehyung asked.

"Well, everytime I feel that heavy feeling I'm around Yoongi hyung. and i felt pain one other time when one boy slapped me. I was with Yoongi hyung then too." Hoseok pointed out.

"Well does my presence just make you feel pain?" yoongi asked with a slight frown.

"I dont think its that...its not all the time. i dont feel like that right now." Hoseok added.

"So it's only sometimes? maybe certain times. is there something in common between all the times youve felt like that?" Namjoon asked.

"Not that I can think of. it all just seems random to me." Hoseok said, the group soon reaching Hoseok and Yoongi's door.

"Alright well, you should try to think about it. get some rest tonight, ok? think about it, but dont stress about it too much. we wouldn't want to see you feeling exhausted because you lost sleep over this." Jin said seriously.

"We'll think about it. and we'll get enough sleep. you dont need to worry about us, hyung." yoongi responded.

"good. have a good night, you two." jin said as he walked off with Namjoon.

"Good night hyungs!" Jungkook said, heading off to his own dorm.

jimin and Taehyung both waved and went their own way, leaving yoongi and Hoseok alone. the two walked into the dorm and sat down on their beds, both exhausted from a long day.

"Hey, hyung?" Hoseok asked after a minute or two of silence.

"Hm?" Yoongi responded, his eyes closed as he lay down in his bed

"You like me, right?"


"and I said I wasnt sure on my feelings."


"What if I said I was sure now?"

Yoongi opened his eyes hearing that and looked over at Hoseok. "are you sure now?"

Hoseok hesitated a moment, thinking about it one last time before nodding. "Yes, I'm sure."

"Then what's the verdict, mr. jung?" Yoongi asked with a small smile.

"Well...I've come to the conclusion that...."

"SPIT IT OUT, YOU SOCIOPATH!" Yoongi yelled, throwing a pillow at him.

hoseok whined and pouted. "fine nevermind then. I guess you dont want to know that I really really like you and that I'd like to start a relationship with you." Hoseok said, keeping the pout on his lips.

Yoongi was silent for a while before smiling softly. "Really...?"

"Yes really, silly. I wouldnt lie about that." Hoseok assured, standing and going to Yoongi's bed. "I like you a lot and I'd love it if you wanted to start a relationship with me."

Yoongi smiled brightly, so much so that his gums showed. "I'd love to start a relationship with you, Seokie!" he said happily, hugging the younger tightly.

"shall we seal the deal then?" Hoseok asked, leaning closer so their faces were almost touching.

"Of course we should." Yoongi said before closing the gap between them with a soft kiss.

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