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It was the day of Hoseok and Yoongi's appointment, and they were both nervous. Hoseok didnt want to have to stay away from Yoongi just to avoid that bad feeling anymore. Yoongi didnt want to be what was causing Hoseok's pain. They didnt want to have to be away from each other because of something neither of them could control. they hoped it was a simple fix or something completley unrelated to the two of them.

They walked into the building and took the elevator to the floor where all the doctors that specialized with supernatruals worked. Yoongi had made an appointment in advance, so he simply gave his name and filled out a few papers and the two were able to sit down to wait for their name to be called. After 15 minutes or so, they were called by a short woman.

They followed the woman into one of the patient rooms and sat down, the doctor closing the door behind them.

"Hi, my name is Doctor Paige, how are you two feeling today?" She asked, sitting down in her chair and giving them a smile.

"I'm fine." Yoongi answered and Hoseok nodded in agreement.

"That's good! Hoseok and Yoongi, was it?" She asked and the two  nodded. "lovely, lovely. ok, it says here that you had concerns about your abilities. Your presence seemed to make Hoseok's abilities shut off?" She recapped for the two.

"Yes, that's right." Yoongi answered.

"And what are your abilities, may I ask?"

"I have the ability not to feel pain. Both emotionally and physically." Hoseok answered.

"I cant tell a lie. I can also control people's emotions." Yoongi answered.

"Oh, that's so fun! I hope you're using that emotion control for good things."

"Of course. I'd never manipulate someone wrongly." yoongi answered with a small smile.

The doctor smiled a little back. "thats good. Now, Hoseok, before meeting Yoongi have you ever felt any disruptions in your ability?"

"No, I havent." Hoseok answered.

"Yoongi, when Hoseok feels like this, do you feel anything different about yourself?"

"No, I don't."

"Can I ask you two to try something?" the doctor asked, seeming to have a lead of some sort.

Both Hoseok and Yoongi nodded, hoping to finally get some answers.

"Yoongi, could you try using your abilities on me to make me feel sad or upset. Hoseok, while he does this can you monitor your own emotions?" Doctor Paige explained

They both agreed and Yoongi started to work on making Doctor Paige feel sad. He noticed the small changes in her facial expressions, and soon he had made her cry. But when he looked over at Hoseok, he also had tears in his eyes that were threating to fall.

"Seokie...? I'm sorry-" He immedietly apologized, stopping his powers.

Hoseok smiled and wiped his eyes. "no, it's ok! I just felt that weird feeling again."

Doctor Paige had also wiped her eyes, fixing herself before she spoke. "Yoongi, I think when you use your abilities on one specific person you give off an aura of it to anyone that's around you. And I doubt Hoseok is immune to that power."

"I've used my powers directly on him before, but not to make him sad." Yoongi admitted.

"You have-?" Hoseok asked, innocent to any change in his own emotions.

"So that just proves Hoseok isnt immune to your abilities, Yoongi."

"So, it's literally just if he's around me while I'm using my powers, he'll feel the emotion I'm giving off?" Yoongi asked.

"Exactly. Of course, I'd like to run a scan to see if that hypothesis is true."

"Of course, I'm ok with that." Yoongi said, smiling and nodding.

"Then its settled! we cant do it today, sadly, but we can book you an appointment for next week"

"That's perfectly fine." Yoongi said, honestly just happy to get some answers.

with that, the appointment was finished. the two left the office, both feeling satisfied with what they were told. they wouldnt have to stay away from each other anymore and they were both extremely greatful for that. from what they could tell, the reason for them being connected like that wasnt anything that could ruin their lives. they were happy with the outcome of it all and they expected things to get better as their days progressed.

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