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when Hoseok went into his dorm that afternoon, Yoongi wasnt there. he wasnt in the pantry either so he had assumed the older was out. he put his things down and got started on his homework, wanting to get it out of the way for now. he worked on it for 2 hours, and even after he finished Yoongi still wasnt there. he didnt have much else to do, so he scrolled through his phone, texting a few friends and laughing at a few Instagram posts. before he knew it, the bell for dinner rang. yoongi still wasnt in the dorm. Hoseok stood and left for the dining hall, meeting up with the five other boys at their usual table.

"wheres Yoongi hyung?" Namjoon asked when Hoseok appeared without him.

"I dont know. he didnt come to the dorm the whole time I was there." Hoseok answered with a small pout.

"maybe he'll show up a little later. he doesnt normally skip dinner without telling someone something." Jin said as he went with Jungkook to get his food.

the other four boys went up as well, bringing their plates back to the table. still no Yoongi.

"should one of us go look for him?" taehyung asked as he sat down.

"I'll go!" hoseok said with a little too much enthusiasm.

"are you sure? I thought you two werent talking to each other?" Jimin asked.

"it's fine. I'll take any excuse I can to talk to him. and besides, I want to make sure hes ok." hoseok said as he stood and walked out of the dining hall.

the first place he thought to look was his locker. he wouldnt be at a study session this late, since the school was technically already closed. he walked to Yoongi's locker. he wasnt there.

he searched every classroom Yoongi might be in, maybe staying after for some sort of studying which he knew was unlikely. as excepted, he wasnt there. just as Hoseok was about to leave the school building, he heard music coming from the small practice room. he peeked his head inside the room and saw Yoongi's eyes fixed on the piano keys, playing a soft melody.

hoseok smiled a little as he listened. he knew Yoongi was talented, but he had never actually heard him play before. it was a nice sound.

"what do you want?" yoongi asked, not stopping the song he was playing and speaking quietly.

"we were worried about you. you dont usually disappear without giving one of us a heads up." hoseok pointed out.

"I didnt tell you because I didnt want you to find me. of course you have to be persistent." yoongi muttered sourly.

"yeah...sorry." Hoseok said with a light, nervous laugh. "I was just a little worried."

"you can be worried?" yoongi asked, stopping the music and looking up at the younger who was still standing at the doorway.

"I guess so." hoseok answersd simply.

"huh." was all Yoongi gave in response. he stood from the piano bench and grabbed his back pack.

"are you ok?" hoseok asked suddenly.

"no." yoongi answered. he wouldve lied and said yes if he could.

"I know I cant empathize with you but...do you wanna talk? I can still listen. I have ears." he said with a small smile.

Yoongi hesitated for a minute before nodding. he sat back down and patted the bench next to him for Hoseok who sat down next to him happily.

they were both quiet for a minute before Yoongi sighed. "I'm sorry." he said quietly, looking down at his hands as he said it.

"sorry-? for what-?" hoseok asked, a little...no a lot confused.

"for not understanding you." he said, playing with his hands now. "I was mad about something you couldnt control. of course, I had a right to be upset about you leaving me like that, but you cant control the fact you cant feel guilt. I know you probably didnt want to hurt me. you didnt understand. its not your fault. I um...I looked on your computer while you were gone today...you were searching how to feel pain and sadness, I'm assuming you thought there was someone like you who had an answer. there wasn't anything. you were trying hard to understand and I was just a bitch about it. so I'm sorry." yoongi said, finally looking up at Hoseok.

"I really dont think you owe me an apology." Hoseok said honestly.

"but I d-"

"-no you dont." hoseok cut him off. "I appreciate you understanding, but you dont need to apologize. I'm sorry for leaving you like that. I understand it was wrong. understanding is the most I can do."

yoongi smiled a little and nodded. "are we ok...?" the older asked.

hoseok nodded a little and hugged Yoongi tightly. "yea...we are."

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