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after Hoseok finished up dance practice, he met up with Yoongi at their dorm. he smiled a little when he saw Yoongi. the older looked really nice. not too fancy but his outfit was perfect for a fun night out.

"I still need to fix my hair. I might do a little make up too." Yoongi said when Hoseok walked in.

"you look perfect already. im.gonna take a shower and change. then we can head out. sound good?" Hoseok asked as he grabbed an outfit out of his closet.

"yep! I'll be ready!" yoongi said with pure excitement

hoseok nodded and got into the shower. 45 minutes later, both of them were ready to go. they ended up going to a club rather than a bar. hey, they were adults. why the hell not? the main room was packed with people. typical on a Friday night. there were dancers on the stage, both male and female. in front of the stage were seats. some were full, some were empty. some people were receiving a lap dance while others were watching and giving tips. there were private rooms on the other side of the club and then of course there was the bar and the dance floor in the middle.

"damn some of those guys are just...wow-" Yoongi said as he eyed some of the male strippers on stage.

"I know, right? damn. is it your first time?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi nodded. "you?" he asked back.

"yea. I've been clubbing before but never to a strip club. this is new." Hoseok said as he pulled Yoongi over to the bar.

Hoseok ordered two shots for the both of them. "do you like vodka?" hoseok asked as he downed the first shot.

"mm...yea. im good with alcohal." he said calmly as he took both right after the other.

"I like sweet stuff better." Hoseok said with a small smile.

"Like what?" Yoongi asked

"Hmm...schnapps are good. oh, tequila rose is nice." Hoseok answered.

"hmm...i like classic soju." Yoongi said as he ordered two shots of it.

Hoseok took the first, already starting to feel tipsy. "I'm not great with alcohol." hoseok said with a light laugh.

"weak~" yoongi teased as he downed both shots.

the two stayed in the bar for an hour or two. just chatting and drinking calmly. Hoseok was drunk way faster than Yoongi was, but he insisted he kept going so yoongi didnt call him weak. Yoongi just laughed at him but let him continue. after another half hour, they were both a mess.

"you want to dance?" Hoseok asked, taking Yoongi's hand and pulling him up.

they both stumbled a little but Hoseok led yoongi to the dance floor. he pulled the older close by his waist and they started to dance.

"you're so pretty, hyung." Hoseok said with a small smile.

"am I? you're pretty too, seokie" yoongi responded, giggling a little.

Hoseok pulled him closer and Yoongi wrapped his arms around the younger's neck. they were quiet for a minute before Hoseok leaned in and gave Yoongi a soft kiss on the lips. yoongi returned it, smiling a little as well. when Hoseok pulled away he was flustered.

"i-im sorry-"

"shhh~" yoongi cooed, putting a finger on Hoseok's lips. "do it again. I want more." he mumbled as he pulled Hoseok down more and kissed him deeply this time.

they stayed like that for a while before Yoongi just grabbed Hoseok's hand, dragging him out the club and into the alleyway nearby.

Hoseok pinned the smaller to the wall, kissing him roughly and deeply. he kissed his neck and collarbones, leaving dark hickeys on the older's pale skin.

"S-seokie-" yoongi whined, tilting his head back for the younger. his hands slid under Hoseok's shirt, feeling him up and shuddering slightly as he felt Hoseok's muscles and slim body.

"do you like what you're feeling, kitten?" hoseok asked quietly and Yoongi nodded in response.

hoseok shoved his knee in between Yoongi's thighs and the older moaned quietly, slowly rolling his hips down onto him.

"fuck that's it, just like that" hoseok whispered deeply in Yoongi's ear.

the seductive voice only made Yoongi want more. he grinded down faster onto Hoseok's thigh while his arms stayed wrapped around his neck. he moaned out quietly into Hoseok's ear, whispering small curses every now and then.

"god, baby you sound perfect..." hoseok mumbled, kissing all over the skin he could access while feeling up Yoongi's body.

"fuck please touch me more" yoongi whined, just wanting more contact. he was panting ligntly and still moaning through it all.

hoseok happily granted Yoongi's wish, sliding his hands down Yoongi's jeans and palming him while the older continued to grind into his thigh.

"s-sir" yoongi whimpered out

"yes, baby?" Hoseok asked


"good. dont stop. keep going, kitten that's it" hoseok praised kindly.

just as Yoongi was about to finish, Hoseok kissed him passionately. yoongi moaned loudly into it as he came, the sound being muffled.

he slowly relaxed, his body falling limp against Hoseok's. his legs trembled as he struggled to stand.

"shh shh shh baby you're ok I'm here. ill walk us home you know it's not far." hoseok said as he picked Yoongi up.

of course he was still drunk and he stumbled a little as he walked. but he was worried about dropping a now sleeping Yoongi so he was careful.

when he got back to campus he made sure no one was around to ask questions before running up to their dorm. he got himself and Yoongi changed, putting them in pajamas and laying Yoongi down in his bed. he got in with yoongi, hugging him loosely.

"sleep well, love" hoseok whispered before closing his eyes and drifting off himself.

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