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Jimin and Taehyung were partners in today's skill practice. Taehyung had a defensive ability while Jimin had an offensive one, so today they were partnered together to test how strong their defense and offense was.

The directions were simple, on offense, knock your opponent down and keep them down for 5 seconds. On defense, the goal was to stay up for 5 minutes. They each had their own rooms so nothing in the main room was destroyed.

"I'm gonna win," Taehyung said, giggling a little.

"In your dreams," Jimin teased.

A bell soon sounded, signaling the start of the training. As soon as the bell rang, Taehyung vanished.

"This is gonna be difficult..." jimin mumbled. He ran a stream of water straight around the room, hoping to hit something. He failed of course, and all that was left was a puddle of water.

He felt hands on his shoulders and he jumped a little.

"Just missed me there~" taehyung teased, giggling a little before Jimin felt him pull away.

"This is gonna be impossible!" Jimin said, looking around and seeing nothing but an empty room and puddles of water.

He tried another blast at a random area. This time he was lucky, feeling a hit on Taehyung and seeing as he stumbled a little, revealing himself.

"That was close but you only got my arm!" Taehyung said, giggling a little. He went invisible again and he was off.

This was how it went for a while. Jimin just randomly aiming and occasionally hitting him out of pure luck. Eventually, jimin managed to hit spot on at full force. The blast send Taehyung flying against a wall, and when he revealed himself he seemed badly hurt.

"Tae oh my god!" Jimin said, running over to him. "Are you ok?? Was it too hard??" He asked, concerned for the younger

"No, no, it's ok. Looks like you got me." He said, Taehyung 5 second stop watch ringing.

"Oh- yay!!" Jimin said, giggling as he helped the younger stand.

"Nice job, Minnie. Now can we go change? I'm soaked." Taehyung said, ringing out his drenched shirt.

"Yea, sure." Jimin said, taking the younger's hand and leading him to the locker rooms.

"Your ability is really strong. People must underestimate you since it's just water, huh?" Taehyung asked, pulling off his wet shirt.

"Yea, sometimes. But I guess that's understandable." Jimin answered, watching as Taehyung changed.

"Why you staring~" taehyung teased, giggling a little.

"Oh shut up." Jimin said, sending a small stream of water to annoy him. "If you dont like me staring then conceal yourself invisa-boy~" jimin teased back.

"Mmm...nah. then you'd miss out on all this."

"Confident, are we?"

"Damn straight."

The two stayed in the locker room for a little longer as Taehyung finished changing. When he was done, they both walked out and back to their training room and waited for the bell to ring for them to be dismissed.

"That was kinda fun, wasnt it?" Taehyung asked.

Jimin smiled and nodded in response. "It was. I like being partners with you."

"Awww~ you love me~" taehyung teased

"Yea I guess. whatever, tae." Jimin said, rolling his eyes playfully.

Soon the bell rang and everyone was dismissed. They would be given the scores for the tests the next day in class.

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