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Yoongi had just gotten out of his last period class and was heading back to his dorm. when he got to the door, he saw Hoseok asleep leaning on it. he had his key in his hand.

yoongi violently shook the younger awake, Hoseok's head snapping up as he became alert. "yes??"

"you fell asleep at the door! your keys are in your hand someone couldve stolen them! you couldnt make it inside?" Yoongi asked as he helped the younger up.

"I'm sorry...I didnt even notice..." he said, unlocking the door with his key and letting them both in.

"Well be careful. if you're that exhausted then you can sleep. but dont be falling asleep in random places. that's dangerous." Yoongi said seriously.

"Yes miss ma'am boss lady" Hoseok said as he flopped onto his bed.

"what's going on, Seokie...?" Yoongi asked quietly, sitting on his own bed.

"What do you mean? I'm ok." Hoseok answered, genuinly innocent to his change in personality.

"You're a lot duller than normal. you seem exhausted and quiet." Yoongi pointed out.

"really?" Hoseok asked, his eyes closing as he rested his head on the pillow.

"Mhm. I was just worried." Yoongi said back.

"I'm ok, hyung dont worry..." Hoseok mumbled, starting to drift off.

"Ok, Seokie. sleep well." yoongi said, smiling fondly at the tired younger.

hoseok soon drifted off to sleep peacefully, his breathing evening out. he seemed to be in a deep sleep only 3 seconds after he fell asleep. he looked peaceful and Yoongi couldn't help but stare at him with pure adoration.

"god hes beautiful..." Yoongi mumbled to himself, just staring at the red haired boy.

he soon turned his head and scrolled through his phone. dinner would be coming up soon and he wasnt sure if he should wake up Hoseok for it when the time arrived.

An hour passed and the bell rang through the dorm room. Hoseok stayed fast asleep. yoongi didnt have the heart to wake him, so he left the younger a small note and then left for the dining hall.

"Wheres Hoseok?" jin asked when Yoongi had gotten downstairs.

"Hes sleeping. he was exhausted when he got back, he had fallen asleep outside the dorm door." yoongi answered.

"Really-? jeez hes been seeming tired lately." Jimin pointed out and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Let's just hope he's ok. come on can we get some food now? I'm hungry~" Jungkook whined.

Taehyung smiled and took the younger's hand, leading him to the kitchen area with Jimin following closely behind.

Soon everyone had gotten their food and was sitting down talking to each other. "Oh my god- Tae has been fucking with me all day-" jimin rambled.

"What do you mean~?" taehyung sang teasingly.

"I mean~ you've been disappearing and appearing out of no where. it's been making me confused you invisible bitch." Jimin said, slapping taehyung lightly upside the head.

Yoongi smiled a little at the story but stayed quiet. he ate his food in silence as he listened. he never really spoke much anyway. today though, he felt a bit off. He had been thinking a lot about his tests and examining the emotions of those around him. focusing so much on others made him neglect himself so he gave off a bad negative energy. he felt drained, honestly. he didnt even notice he was zoning out until Jin snapped in his face to get his attention.

"Earth to Yoongi, hello! is anyone up there?" the eldest asked, snapping his fingers repeatedly.

"Yea yea sorry- just thinking. I think I'm gonna go back up to my room now. I'm not that hungry." he said, standing with his tray.

yoongi quickly went to throw out his half eaten food and then hurried back up to his dorm. he opened and closed the door as quietly as he could as to not disturb Hoseok. however, he found that was pointless, as Hoseok was sitting up on the bed scrolling through his phone with clearly tired eyes.

"Awake?" Yoongi asked as he sat down on his bed.

"yes as you can see" Hoseok answered with a small smile. he suddenly frowned and pouted. "in feeling the weird feeling again..." Hoseok said quietly.

"The heavy chest feeling?" yoongi asked and Hoseok nodded.

Hoseok was quiet for a minute before letting out a random scream of pain.

"Hoseok-!? what?? what is it!?" yoongi asked, running over to him.

"My leg is burning oh my god it hurts-!" Hoseok yelled, panicking.

"What!? I thought you couldnt feel pain-" Yoongi said, panicking just as much.

"I cant im confused too! can you call someone??" hoseok asked, looking at Yoongi desperatly.

Yoongi nodded and dialed the emergency number, feeling it was the quickest way someone could understand Hoseok's problem. he was worried. he didnt want to see Hoseok in pain. he and Hoseok were both confused. yoongi just prayed it didnt last too long and someone got there soon.

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