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the next Saturday morning, Yoongi woke up with a splitting headache. he felt arms wrapped gently around his waist and he turned around slightly to see Hoseok still fast asleep behind him.

"what the hell happened..." he mumbled to himself. his eyes suddenly widened as he remembered things.

"god that felt so good though..." he mumbled. "imagine if we went farther than that-" he continued to speaking to himself, the curse of not being able to lie really doing wonders.

"would you have liked that..?" a deep voice mumbled behind him.

Yoongi felt a dark blush come to his cheeks and he shrugged. "yes..." he mumbled, not being able to say no or even maybe.

"cute. I would've too but let's process what happened last night first." Hoseok said with a small smile as he sat up.

"do you not feel miserable-?" Yoongi asked, still laying down and red in the face both from blushing and how much he was sweating from the pain of his headache and body ache.

"nope! I've never gotten a hangover. you know, no pain." he said as he went into the pantry to get Yoongi some water then to the bathroom for some painkillers.

"thank you..." Yoongi mumbled as he downed the water and two painkillers.

"do you wanna come to breakfast, want me to bring you something or we could just stay here maybe order something?" hoseok offered.

"can we order something?" Yoongi asked, frowning a little.

"yea of course! anything specific you want?" hoseok asked as he got out his phone.

"no, I'm good with anything." yoongi answered.

"alright then." Hoseok said before making a call and ordering. when he finished he sat on the bed with Yoongi and hugged him

"hey..." Hoseok mumbled.

"hm?" yoongi asked.

"you really liked last night?" Hoeok asked.

"I did, yea. and you know I cant lie. did you?" yoongi asked back.

"I did! it was really nice. you're cute." Hoseok said with a small smile.

"do you feel anything for me at all...?" yoongi asked randomly.

"yea! we're friends of course I do! I like you a lot." Hoseok answered obliviously

"I- Hoseok no-" Yoongi said with a light laugh. "I mean, romantic feelings."

"oh- oh my god I'm so stupid-" hoseok said, face palming and whining. "I'm not really sure...I always wondered if that was the weird feeling I got around you. but arent romantic feelings supposed to feel nice? it felt nice last night. and I've always been drawn to you. I'm not sure I've never had a crush before." Hoseok admitted.

"really?" yoongi asked with slight shock

"yea...is that embarrassing?"

"No not at all! there are plenty of adults without exes. besides, if I happen to be your first that would be so cute!" Yoongi said, showing his gummy smile and giggling.

"I'll try and think about it." Hoseok assured, kissing Yoongi's head gently. "why? do you feel anything for me?"

yoongi sighed and pouted. "I was waiting for this question...yea I do. i like you a lot."

"really-? that's so sweet! I'm not sure of my feelings but I promise I'll get back to you as soon as I'm sure" Hoseok said, hugging Yoongi tightly.

"dont worry about it, Seokie. take your time." yoongi assured the younger "I can wait. I'll wait for you for as long as i need to."

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