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"Hey, you said someone was planning to stab you earlier. What's that about?" Doyoung asked randomly in the middle of their math class.

"Oh- my friend told me someone from my english class wanted to test if I was really immune to pain. So I guess they wanna do it in a way that they'd be 100% sure." Hoseok answered.

"Would that actually not hurt you-?"

"Dont know. I've never been stabbed before. Probably not." He answered, shrugging a little.

"Have you ever cried?"

"Nope. Not even as a baby."

"Wow..." doyoung said, genuinely amazed. "Again, I wanna apologize for holding you up like that earlier. My brain goes wonky sometimes because of how much the telekinesis affects it. So I do stupid things sometimes." He explained a little.

"I understand it's fine. No worries!" Hoseok assured, giving him a kind smile.

"You're really sweet, hyung." Doyoung said, returning the smile.

"Well when you have no reason to be sad all thats left is happiness! It's a blessing." He said with his famous heart smile.

"Well, dont forget you can still have other emotions. And yes, being happy may be all well and good for a while but i can imagine it gets draining." Doyoung said, resting his chin in his palm as he played with a pencil.

"I havent felt burnt out in my 17 years of life so I think I'm ok." Hoseok assured him.

"Hey, you two quiet down. Other people are still working on their assignments." Their teacher said and they both apologized, going back to their own work.

When their class ended they exchanged numbers and parted ways for their seperate classes. I have English now... hoseok thought, being cautious as he walked.

There was a hand on his shoulder and he jumped, looking back and relaxing when he saw it was just Namjoon. "Jeez you scared me-"

"Sorry! I just wanted to check in. I saw you walking and wanted to ask if you're ok." Namjoon explained.

"Oh, yea I'm ok. But I have English right now so I'm just being careful."

"Oh I see. Alright then, dont get hurt."

"You know I can't." Hoseok said with a light laugh.

"Right. But you know what I mean." Namjoon said

Hoseok nodded and waved, walking to his class. When he got into the classroom and slipped into his seat he scanned the room for the person Namjoon had warned him of. Surprisingly, Joleun wasnt even in class that day.

Maybe Joon was wrong? He thought, resting his chin on his palm and twirling a pencil around.

The class went by as normal, and there was still no sight of Joleun. When he left the class, he was less cautious than he was entering it. He had his free period next, and he was about to go meet up with the others when he was stopped by someone grabbing his wrist.

"Hey, Hoseok right?" The mysterious person asked.

"Yea, that's me," hoseok answered, pulling his wrist away.

"Good," the person said, pinning him to the wall.

Now Hoseok looked up at him and his eyes widened. "Joleun- let me go. I don't want any trouble." He said after recognizing his captor.

"If you cant feel pain this should be fine," Joleun said before driving a knife into Hoseok's shoulder.

Just as Joleun expected, Hoseok gave no reaction other than annoyance. "You did what you wanted. can you let me go now?" He asked.

Joleun pouted and pulled away, pulling the knife out of his shoulder. Blood went everywhere, but Hoseok still showed no reaction.

"Now I need to patch this up. You're lucky I have a free period," he said, rolling his eyes.

Hoseok walked off, leaving Joleun behind standing in the pool of blood. When he met with his friends, they all asked what had happened.

"Sorry, Joon. I wasnt paying attention when I walked out of class," Namjoon apologized.

"Are you ok!? Who did this??" Jungkook asked him as Jimin got bandages from the nurse.

"A guy in my English class. His name is Joleun," Hoseok answered.

"Ohh, he's in my practice class," Jimin piped up.

"Do I need to beat him up?" Jungkook asked. "I will."

"No, Kook. It's fine. It doesnt hurt," Hoseok assured the younger.

"Mm...if you're sure." Jungkook said.

"I'm honestly more worried about how much more Hoseok will be tormented because of this." Yoongi spoke.

Hoseok simply smiled and nodded. "Dont worry. I'll be ok! Promise!"

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