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All throughout the day, hoseok spent his time on his phone and computer. He was searching tons of websites and reading tons of articles.

How to feel pain

None of the articles were helpful though. No one had an ability like his. Of course there would be nothing on it. He was told since he was a kid that he was special. He was one of the rare ones. No one had an ability like him. He was one of a kind. He always thought it was a blessing. He was special, he was different. People thought it was cool too. But now, he just saw it as a burden. He hated it. He just wanted to be normal.

"Mom..." he said through the phone.

"Hi dear, how's it going? Are you ok? You sound sad."

"No, no, I'm not sad. You know that. I cant get sad." He said with a light laugh. "But I was thinking about coming home."

"Oh! Why? Is it not going well for you?"

"Well, being here made me realize that being extraordinary isnt exactly what I want. I want to live a normal life and pretend my power doesnt exists. I wish I could just shut it off. It's like I cant feel sympathy for anyone." Hoseok explained.

"Has something happened?"

"Yea. My friend makes me feel really weird whenever I'm around him. I didnt like the feeling so I avoided him. He told me yesterday that it made him sad but I couldn't even feel guilty for it."

"Oh, hopie why would you ignore your friend? You shouldve talked it out. Maybe figure out what that feeling was."

"I know...I know mom. I messed up. But the point is, I can't even feel bad about it. You always told me my power was special and that I should be grateful for having it but I dont. I hate it, mom. I dont want to be like this anymore. I dont want to be at a school that reminds me that I'm like this. I wanna be done. I wanna leave." Hoseok insisted.

There was a sigh on the other end and then silence for a while before Hoseok heard his mother's voice once again.

"Alright, Hopie. How about this: you stay there one more week and if its miserable for you then I'll come pick you up and bring you home. we can have you drop from that school and go to a normal one. Ok?"

Hoseok smiled a little at the compromise and nodded to himself. "Yea. that works. thanks mom."

"Sure thing, hopie. I love you. Talk with that boy, ok?"

"I will, mom. thank you. I love you too." He answered.

And with the phone call ended. He put his phone on the nightstand and lay back on his bed. It was a Saturday so they had no classes. Yoongi was still at Taehyung's dorm and Hoseok was unsure what to do with the rest of his time. He was sure Jungkook was spending his day with Jimin. He decided to call Jin and see what he was doing.


"What are you doing today?"

"Nothing honestly. Joon went with Yoongi and Kook for ice cream. I didnt wanna go."

"Wanna hang out today then? I'm bored."

"Sure yea, come down to my dorm."

The phone call ended there and Hoseok grabbed his things before heading down to Jin and Namjoon's dorm. When he got down there and knocked, Jin opened the door and pulled him in.

"So. How did you fuck up with your kitten for a roomate?"

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