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"So you've never cried?"

"Nope. Never." Hoseok answered with a smile.

"Do you ever stop smiling?"


Yoongi groaned a little and smiled slightly with him. The younger boy was honestly cute. But he was so goddamn cheery. Of course, Yoongi knew it wasnt his fault, but damn did it annoy him. "What if I said something mean about your family. Like...your mom is a bitch."

"My mom isnt a bitch, but no, that doesnt hurt my feelings."

"Damn...I kinda wanna hurt your feelings just to break you. I wonder how much effort it takes. You cant be completely emotionless."

Hoseok simply shrugged. "I've gotten death threats from people and have still kept a smile on my face. I'm not sure you could really say or do anything."

"What if someone tried to kill you? Would you just...not die-?"

"I actually don't know. I dont think it works like that. I think I'd die, just not feel the pain. Like if someone shot me in the head I'd probably die a painless death." He tried to explain.

"That makes sense, I guess."

"All students come to the auditorium"

"Guess that's us." Hoseok said happily as he stood from the bed with Yoongi.

The two walked down to the auditorium and saw they had to sit by class. Since Yoongi and Hoseok were in different grades, they parted ways.

Yoongi sat down next to an older boy with wide shoulders and plump lips.

"Damn you're cute." Yoongi muttered, covering his mouth and his eyes widening a little. "I'm- oh my god I'm sorry-"

The boy simply laughed and shook his head. "Its ok, I get that alot. I'm Seokjin but just Jin is fine. I'm a senior." The older said kindly.

"Yoongi, Junior." He introduced himself simply, looking at his hands.

"Alright everyone. Mental powers over there and physical ones over there. If its complicated stay in your seat." The teacher said, pointing.

Both Yoongi and Jin moved to the left side where mental powers went. "What's your ability?" Jin asked curiously.

"I cant lie and I can control people's emotions. You?"

"I can make people do what I want them to do." He answered "I only use it for good things, though. Like if it'll benefit the person." He explained.

"That's actually really cool." Yoongi said laughing a little.

They were in the auditorium for an hour before they were dismissed. They learned the rules of the school and where and when to use their powers. They learned there were sensors in the school so if someone was using a mental ability when they werent supposed to it would be tracked.

Yoongi brought Jin to meet up with Hoseok, deciding both he and Hoseok needed to make a few friends.

When he saw the younger, he smiled when he saw someone next to him. The boy next to Hoseok was really tall and had cute dimples. His hair was dyed purple like Jin's. Speaking of Jin, he seemed to recognize the tall grape-haired boy.

"Hyung!" The tall boy said to Jin. "Who's this?" He asked, motioning to Yoongi who put his head down shyly.

"This is Yoongi. Hes a junior." Jin introduced him.

"I'm Hoseok! Its nice to meet you! I'm a junior too but I'm new." The red haired boy introduced himself to Jin.

"I'm Seokjin but just Jin is fine. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Namjoon. I'm a junior as well. It's nice to meet you, Yoongi hyung." The tall, dimpled boy said.

Yoongi nodded a little and smiled at them. "How do you two know each other?" He asked, motioning to Namjoon and Jin.

"We're roommates." Jin answered.

"And they were roommates." Hoseok said with a small smile.

"Oh my god they were roomates." Yoongi added quietly, returning Hoseok's smile.

"Do you guys know anyone else here?" Namjoon asked the two.

They both shook their heads. "Namjoon, what's your power?" Hoseok asked the taller boy.

"Mind reading."

"That's actually really cool-" hoseok said with a smile.

"I can also talk to people in their minds..." he said before smirking. "Like this" he said in Hoseok's mind.

Hoseok's eyes widened a little and he laughed. "That's really cool, Joon!"

"Yup, and if you wanna respond just think back to me."

"Ok, I can already tell we're gonna be great friends." Hoseok thought back and Namjoon nodded. "We are."

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