🌺I do. 🌺

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The next morning Louis got up to go to work. He got dressed up and went outside; he saw Michelle in the kitchen, so he decided to breakfast at work. So he was off to his new building.

~Harry's house~

"You're up early," Zayn said. "Yea, I want to do some things," Harry said. "Okay, have fun." Harry wanted to do somethings at the restaurant. He also wanted to leave the house for a while.

~Louis's building~

Can you order my breakfast?" Louis asked his assistant he was starving. "Yes, sir, from where?" "Anywhere" "I'll get it to as soon as possible," she said, a little worried "May, please don't stress yourself out," she calmed down a little after Louis said that. Louis was known for being scary when it came to his job.


"This is The Royal Garden. How can I help?" Harry said, "Hi am new to the area. Do yall do breakfast?" "No ma'am, I am sorry" "Dammite, it's for my boss, and I want to be on his good side but thank you" she was about to hang up before. "WAIT! Who is your boss?"Harry knew most businesses in town. It could be a friend."Louis Tomlinson." He didn't think it would be Louis, but it made him want to go more. "I am the head Chef. I can make something. Does he want anything in particular?" "Uh, I think eggs and bacon well do" "Alright, I'll take it myself; I know him." "Oh, okay."

The call ended, and she ran to her boss. "Mr.Tomlinson, your food should be here." "Ah, perfect. From where may I ask?" "The Royal Garden," she said proudly; it just made Louis confused. "They don't do breakfast," he stated, still confused. "No, but the head Chef said he didn't mind and that you two knew eachother," she said quickly. "Oh well, okay." Louis was confused. Why would Harry want to do that? He didn't need to.

~In Harry's Kitchen

Harry was cooking the meal and decided to call Liam. Maybe Liam could help him with his nerves.

"Liam, I need help." Harry said, " What are you doing?" "cooking breakfast," "you are not at home," "yea, I am the restaurant," "Why?" "I am cooking for a customer," "we don't do breakfast, and who" Liam was confused; Harry has never done this . "well, that's why I am calling. It's for Louis. I know he has someone, but he's so cute, and I want to know him more, but I can't" "Harry, you are crazy; I promise that will not work." "Just help me to be his friend." "The one thing that I can say is that he doesn't like avocados." "Why?" "don't ask."

"Okay, so I am going to his office; what should I do" "Flirt, but don't not too much.  Don't make it look like your flirting" "Well, wish me luck, and don't tell the other boys. I don't want them to know until something actually happens." "Ok, don't worry, I won't."

Once the call ended, Harry packed the food and got in the car. Was he crazy? Could anything happen? Does Louis even like him even as a friend? Does he think he is weird? Harry kept thinking about these things. He was going insane to the point where he actually wanted to turn around and not go. If Louis doesn't like him as a friend, then what will he do? He really thinks the man is cute. He is also so sweet and funny. But at the end of the day, Louis is taken. He has a girlfriend, and he can't do anything about it. All he could do was be a friend. But all Harry could think about how Louis did say he doesn't know why he was with Michelle. So does that give Harry a chance? Would Louis even give Harry a chance? What does Harry have to do?

Maybe Harry should just be himself? At this point, Harry was giving himself a headache. He only had ten minutes to think until he has to confront Louis.

~Louis's Buliding~

"Hi am here to drop off Mr.Tomlinson, and if it's possible, talk to him. I am his friend." Harry said to the front lady, "Yea, okay, like I'll believe that. Let me call his assistant. You are more than welcome to sit and wait for confirmation." Harry walked to a seat and waited. Why do are front ladies so rude? Why cant they be nice. Harry finally looked up and saw the lady getting off the phone. "Sir, you are allowed to go up. Here is your elevator pass to get to his office." Harry said a quiet thank you and went to the elevators. He was scared but pushed the button and went up.

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