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It's been a couple of days, and  Louis has been thinking about something and knew that he would take action today. But, when he woke up alone, he was confused; he never wakes up alone.

"Love, where are you?" Louis asked, "Oh, I am at the restaurant. All my stuff is here, and I didn't want to get our kitchen all dirty." "Oh well, what time will you be home?" "Don't know, hopefully soon. When I come home can you please try my new dish? Please be honest." Louis chuckled because Harry tried to sound stern with him. "I would love to try, and okay, I will" "Okay! Let me hang up so I can get home faster. Bye. Love you." "Love you too."

Perfect. Louis starts to clean the house and makes sure everything is perfect. He made two calls. All he needs to do now is wait.

~30 minutes later~

Louis was taking a nap when he heard the gate buzz. He jumped up and opened the door he saw to cars drive-in. He ran to the door, and before they could knock, he opened the door. "Well, hurry up and tell us why we are both here." "Hi, Mom, Hi Anne" Louis was so nervous. "I am getting even more scared; what is happening?" "Come sit down this might take a while." Louis slowly walked to the living room and was on edge; he didn't know how they would react to what hs about to say. "Where is Harry?" Anne asked, "Work. So it's perfect timing for what is about to happen." "Louis are-" Anne was about to say something, but jay started to talk, " Are you going to break up with Harry? I swear to god, little boy, I will kill you, and you won't see me anymore." "Yea, what she said." Anne and Jay high-fived.

"No, crazy ladies, I need yall to do something." Louis needs to make sure nothing went wrong, and how these two are acting it would take some patients. "What do you need?" Anne asked; she looked at Jay with a confused face. "I need yall to pack. I need Gemma and the girls to pack too. 5 days warm clothes and 2 really nice outfits." Louis looks at the moms with a face of fear. Jay was the first to speak,

"May we asked why?" "Well, I want tomarryharryandiwantodoitinjapan." Louis looked up to see two faces. One was full of confusion, and the other was trying not to laugh. "Honey, can you say that slower," Anne said; Jay was still trying not to laugh at her son; he was so nervous.  "I want to marry Harry, and I want to do it in Japan. And I want to take yall and ask for permission." IN seconds both moms were screening, holding each other "Is that a yes?" "YES, you have my blessing," Anne said with a big smile. "Louis, are you sure?" Jay just wanted Louis to think about this. "Jay, don't persuade him out of this!" Anne shrieked, "I am NOt just want to make sure he is ready. This is a big step!" "You right. So are you sure?" Anne said.

"I am I sure? Yes, I am sure. Harry is someone I want no need in my life; he has given me so much to live for I feel whole with him. It's like he took my heart, and I know he will always be careful with it, and every time he leaves, he takes my heart with him, and it sucks, but I know he will be caring and gentle with it. Every time he is little, it gives me more reason to love him. I am always happy with him. Yes, we had some downs, but they get fixed in seconds because I can't stand the fact that he's could be sad. He is my sun, and I am like a plant. I need him, or I get sad-looking. He has shown me so much love and kindness. From the day that I met him, I knew I need him in my life. His smile, green eyes, dimples, curly hair, bubbly personality, all of it. I want that every day for the rest of my life. He has given me so much hope for the future. Did you know that I thought I would die alone or never find real love or just marry someone and have them cheat on me while I cheat on them. But when I meet Harry, everything changed. I became this person ready to love and be with him as long as I live. So yes, I am sure." Louis was done, and both were in tears. "Oh, lou, I am so happy for you. We will tell the girls to pack. Did you tell your friends?" "yea, I did" Louis grew a face of fondness remembering their friend's reaction.


"Look, idiots, you are here for one reason, well two, but still sit down and let me talk." They were in Louis's office. Zayn, Liam, Niall, Madelyn, and little Kat. "SO first I need yall to call off from work for Sunday to Thursday. Now you need to know why I got tickets for yall to go to Japan because... I am asking Harry to marry me." Louis looked at his friends, waiting for a reaction "HOLY SHIT." Liam screamed, "DUDE FINALLY" ZAYN yelled. "AHHHHHHH," Nial screamed. "Look at you being a grown-up." Madelyn said, "Boo and ring?" Kat asked, "Yes, kat boo will have a ring soon. But you cant tell him." Louis said. "YAYYY BOO AND RING! No, tell promise."

~End of flashback~

"Okay, I need yall to go because we leave Saturday, and I only have one full day to pack, so I want to at least do my stuff and worry about Harry and other things tomorrow." Louis said, "Okay, bye, love." "Bye Louis, see you soon." When they left, Louis went to grab two suitcases, he got Harry a light blue one, and he got himself a sage one. Then, he started packing, making sure what he wears would go with what Harry would wear.

"Honey, I am home!" Harry yelled, "In the room" Louis called back, "Hi love, how was. What are you doing?" Harry asked, "I am packing" "Why are you going on a business trip?" "No, we are going on a trip. We can pack your stuff tomorrow." "Uhh, when are we leaving?" "Saturday." "SATURDAY, LOUIS, I HAVE WORK!" "Dont worry, I covered that. Now how was making a new dish?" "Good, do you want to try it?" "Yes, I would love to" Harry placed a chicken dish in front of Louis. Louis grabbed a fork and grabbed a pice. Harry bit his lip, nervous Louis would not like it. Louis took the first bite and was amazed Harry's cooking never failed. "Holy shit, that was good." "Really?" "Yea. Why do you get nervous?" "Because I dont think you would like it." "Baby, your cooking is always amazing, even basic dishes you make, them 10x better." Before Harry could say anything, Louis walked over and kissed him.

Harry immediately pulls him closer to deepen the kiss. "Baby, you look so good," Louis moaned out. "Lou, do something." Harry whimpered. "What do you want me to do?" Louis smirked, making Harry whimper more "You know" "I don't, baby, you have to tell me." "Fuck me, Lou." Louis smacked Harry's ass. "Try again." "Daddy, can you please fuck me?" "Of course, my little dove." Louis picked Harry and took him to the room, placing him on the bed. Louis was kissing harry slowly; he looked up for permission to take off Harry's shirt. Harry nodded. Leaving marks around Harry's neck and sucking on Harry's nipples made Harry a mess he wanted more he needed Louis to hurry up. Louis slowly slid his hand in Harry's pants but stopped when he felt lace. "Baby, I didn't know you put on panties. Why?" "I wanted to surprise you," Harry said with a little blush. "Aw, look at you getting all flustered, my little slut." "Please do something." Louis started palming Harry's dick. Little 'ohs' and 'ahs' left Harry's mouth "Hand and Knees Love."

Harry got in the position that Louis wanted. "Good job. Now let me get you prepped. Baby, I am going to handcuff you and blindfold you." Louis Grabbed what he needed and placed them on Harry. Louis lubed his fingers, sticking two at first. "DADDY! MORE PLEASE." "Shh, are you are not getting any more. " He slipped another finger moving his fingers to hit Harry's prostate. Harry was a moaning mess, and Louis had a growing problem that was getting harder to ignore. He kept moving his fingers and slowly removed his pants, and lubed his dick. He replaces his fingers with his dick without telling Harry. "DADDY!" Louis smirked and let Harry adjust. "Move, please." He slowly pulled out, then slamming back in. "UH, DADDY, SO GOOD!" "Yea? Tell me how good." "SO good. I want to feel this all of the time." Louis grabbed Harry's chin making the boy look at him. He was a sight to see his lips were red and plumbed, his cheeks were pink, and his eyes were watery. "Look at my little slut and wrecked now; let me finish." He kissed Harry before moving after and harder. Harry had no words; it felt so good. Louis mumbled little praise making everything better for Harry. "Daddy, can I come?" "Yes" with one last thrust, Harry came all over the sheets, and when he clenched around Louis, he came as well. Louis fucked throw their orgasms. Louis fell next to Harry and kissed all over his face. "You did so good. Let me clean us up. He took everything off and cleaned them up. He changed the sheets and crawled back to bed. Kissed Harry one more time before whispering goodnight and falling asleep.

Next Stop Japan

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