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"Baby, Welcome to Japan"


"Mr.Tomlinson. I am David. I will be your driver" Louis looked to the side, seeing the man. He was wearing a suit and sunglasses. "Yes, we talked on the phone" Louis kept Harry close just in case. "Would like some help with your stuff?" "Yes, that would be nice. Harry, hold on to my belt loop, please." "otay," Harry did as told and watched as his daddy and the random man put their things in the car. When done, Louis grabbed Harry's hand and walked to get inside the vehicle. The car was nice and comfy. "You know where to go, correct?" "Yes, sir" Louis looked to see Harry in awe. "Love, I have a surprise." "What is it, daddy?" "Should I tell you?" "Yes, please" "We are going to see all of your friends." Harry's mouth flew open he closed to make the biggest smile possible "Love do they know about little you?" "yes, help once." "Okay, just want to make sure."

Louis called Erina, telling her they would be there soon and that Harry was little. She said to text the second they are at the gate. Harry was talking about his show, and he and Louis worked on his counting and letters. Louis took a video of Harry looking outside. On this trip, he wanted to take as many memories to keep forever and show everyone. Louis wants to brag about how amazing his life has turned. Can you blame him? He hated the life he had, and now he is always smiling. "Daddy soon?" "Driver, how much longer?" "40 minutes the live pretty far." Did you hear the love?" "yes" "Wanna listen to music?" "yes pwlease" "I have an aux cord." Louis connected his phone and started playing all of Harry's favorites. Harry was singing all the way to the house.

"HARRY!!!!!" A girl yelled she was running, and a guy was right behind her. The second Harry saw her, he ran towards her "E!!" Louis laughed as he followed. "Hey, your Louis, right?" It was the guy. "Yea, I am. Who are you?" "Soma, one of Harry's friends." "Oh right." Louis looked to see the girl keeled down laughing with Harry. "Just so you know, none of the girls will let you take him away, especially when he's little." "I guessed that. She's Erina, right?" "I am. You are Louis, correct?" "Yes, I am" Louis looked at Harry's face. He looked upset. "What's wrong, Love?" "no, louee you, Daddy." "Ahh, yes, I am daddy." "aww, harbear, let's get you inside before everyone comes." Erina walked towards the house, and Louis and Soma followed.

"So Harry grew up here?" Louis asked while looking around, seeing pictures on the walls smelling the sweet aroma. "Yes, actually, you will be in his old room. WE made more grown-up but still the same." "Good, I am really excited for this week." "I bet me too like really excited. Tonight you will be served by all of Harry's friends." Soma said he was on his phone looking at something. "That sounds like a lot of food." "It is but good food," Soma said, laughing. Walking around, Louis saw old pictures of Harry; he looked so cute when he was younger. He saw how short his hair was. He still liked his long hair.

Louis kept seeing photos of some old guy in every photo. He looked quite scary, but Harry looked so happy in every picture. "So my room is next to yall, and the rest are guest rooms your families will be using," Erina said, pointing. "Great! Thank you" When he walked, he saw that same scary guy and Harry. Harry looked older but still so happy he kept staring. "That's Grandfather; he was Harry's biggest supporter." Erina said, "Where is he now?" "Around probably doing some work. I leave yall to get settled until dinner." Both Erina and Soma left, and Harry and Louis got ready to take a nap.

~2 hours later~

"Lou?" "Lou?" "LOU!" Harry screamed, "What happened?" Louis said when he shot up. "Where are we?" "Japan" "Omg, my friends!" Harry got up and ran to the restroom. Putting on pants and a hoodie. He was about to run to the door, but Louis stopped him. "Harry, where are you going?" "to see my friends." "Can I go with you?" Harry smiled. "You dont even have to ask; come on!" They first ran to the neighboring rooms, but no one answered. Running around, you would see how formal and elegant the house was; it was so clean. If it weren't for Harry running around with a big smile, Louis would have walked slow and tall as formally as possible.

All of a sudden, Harry came to a stop. They were standing in front of a large dark oak door with gold handles; it looked intimidating. Harry slowly reached his arm out to knock but pulled back. "I am scared." He whispered, "Why, who is in there?" "Grandfather. It's now or never" He knocked softly, hoping someone heard because he probably wouldn't knock again. The door was opened, and the second the man saw Harry, he broke down crying. "Dont cry, please dont cry," Harry whispered. He hugged the man. "I am sorry I just miss you." Louis was just standing smiling. He was so happy for his baby seeing his friends. "Harry, who is this young man?" Harry looked to see Louis just standing there. "Well um, Grandfather, this is Louis. He's my um; he is my boyfriend." Grandfather's jaw dropped but then turned into the biggest smile; he grabbed Louis and hugged him. "I am so happy for you. By the way, Erina and Soma are in the kitchen. Louis would like to stay and talk." Harry squealed and ran off.

"I'd love to." Louis smiled. He was scared but tried not to show his emotions. When the doors were closed, Grandfather sat and stared at Louis. "So Louis, how did you meet Harry?" "His restaurant we were friends until he helped me, and we started dating." "What do you want to do with Harry?" "Marry him." When he said that, Grandfather's eyes bulged. "I was actually waiting for a moment like this to ask you. I already asked his mom, and she yes, just needed you." Grandfather sat thinking he didn't know what to think. He wanted to protect Harry after everything that boy has been through. "Well, if Anne said yes, then I will as well. But if I find you hurt him, your company and yourself will disappear. Now let's go to the kitchen; those three probably made a feast already." They laughed and walked to the kitchen, hearing yelling

"HARRY, I NEED THAT!" Erina screamed, "WAIT, PLEASE" Harry yelled back. You could hear Soma laughing. "STOP LAUGHING" Both Erina and Harry screamed. When Grandfather and Louis walked in, food was being led to the dining room. "Oh good, yall are ready to eat. Let's head to the dining room," said Erina. Instead of tired, all three looks so energized. When the smell hit Louis's nose, he realized how hungry he was. He was excited about food. Going to the table, they all sat and dug in. He didn't know what to eat first. Finally, Harry realized and started putting food on Louis's plate. Louis was amazed, loving every bite of every food. That was an excellent way to end the night.

"The quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

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