🌺Creep 🌺

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~Harry's house~

"Harry get up," Zayn said while trying to drag him out of bed "why?" Harry just wanted to sleep for 5 more minutes. What is it with people waking him up? "Because you know today is and we are going out." "The Restaurant?" "Don't worry about that." They walked downstairs to Liam and Niall talking.

"Hey, Harry, we were wondering if you wanted to go out and maybe invite Louis?" Liam asked, "Why would I do that?" yeah, Harry and Louis talked, but he didn't need to know about today. "Well, because yall talk. He is really cool, and Niall and Zayn don't know him." Liam was getting worried. Harry sounded mad, maybe because Zayn woke him up. "Sure, go ahead." Harry didn't want to deal with the questions and the judgment or the sadness; it gets annoying. For fuck sake, it's been 15 years; yes, it hurts sometimes, but it hurts more when people make it a big deal.

Liam🥸: Hey, me and all of the boys are going out. Want to come?
Louis🖕🏼: I would love to, but the game is today.
Liam🥸: Oh shit, your right. I forgot.

"Hey, the game is today. Do yall want to stay in and watch it?" Liam was hoping Harry would not get mad. "Yes, that sounds better than going out." Harry breathed out he rather be under a bunch of blankets and read his book while his friends watch the game. "Alright," Zayn said, smiling.

Liam🥸: I think we will stay home then
Louis🖕🏼: Y'all can come over. Wait, who is coming?
Liam🥸: Me, Harry, Ni, and Z
Louis🖕🏼: I don't know who is Ni and Z
Liam🥸: Don't worry, they are cool
Louis🖕🏼: Alright, come over whenever. My girlfriend is here btw.
Liam🥸: It's alright. We will be over in a bit.

"We're going over to Louis's place." Liam announced, "I bet he has a big tv," Niall said, "Lepricon, don't forget the beer." Zayn said, knowing he would. "How could I ever forget beer?" They laughed. "Alright," Harry said, going upstairs.

Harry hated going to Louis's house. He just wanted to be home, but his friends would freak out if he were to say that, thinking he would try and do something while they were gone. They treated Harry like he can't be alone, and it pisses him off. Like he understands their worry. He understands that what happened to him was horrible. Shit, Harry understood that when Desmond was hitting him or throwing his beer bodles at him. He still has all the scars. Harry hated that man. He never called him dad because of it; even when he was younger, he knew that man did not deserve that title. A man like Robin should have that title. Harry just wanted to get lost in one of his books and stay there for as long as he can. Today should be a happy day, the day Desmond got put away, but for Harry, it hurt knowing that man got away with the things he did for 10 years.

"Harry?" Zayn said on the other side of the door, causing Harry to lose his train of thought. "Come in!" "Are you ok?" Zayn asked with a concerned face. "Zayn, I tell you this every year. I am fine." "I know. I just want you to be okay." "I will be fine. Let's just get to Louis's so yall can watch the game." "You're not going to watch it?!" "eh, maybe I don't feel like it today." "BOOO!!" Zayn yelled, causing Harry to burst out laughing.

~Louis's House~

The boys had made it to the house. Niall did not forget the beer. "Hey Louis," Liam called out, "hey," the boys walked closer. Zayn froze when he was Louis. "So this is Niall and that Zayn" "Zayn Malik?" Louis asked, "Yea, It's me." Zayn responded. Louis ran to Zayn, hugging him and slightly crying. Louis and Zayn use to be best friends; they were always together. Zayn was the first to know about Louis being Bi. "Shit, Louis, I didn't know it was you," Zayn said, crying, knowing he had his best friend again. "Yall two know eachother?" Liam asked. "No shit, sherlock," Niall said with a smile. They walked in talking and smiling without anyone seeing Harry went to the library. The boys all sat down talking until "Lads, where is Harry?" Niall said, looking around. "Omg, how could we be so stupid. Do you think we left him at home?" Zayn said, freaking out. "No, he was in the car. He has to be somewhere here." Liam said while looking at Louis. "Yea, I think I know where he is."

Harry was sitting at a window reading. He was also surrounded by books enjoying every single page. He could stay here forever. All these books give him another adventure; they made him feel young and powerful. But of course, all adventures had to end his ended with Louis coming in and sitting in front of him.

"What do you want?" Harry asked, "Well, last time I checked, this is my house, and these are my books." Louis committed, "Your point is?" Harry said with a little smile, "My point is, what are you doing here?" Louis said, getting closer to Harry. Their lips were so close only if one of them had the heart to connect them. Louis was about to close the space between them until something ruined it.

"LOUIS TOMLINSON, WHAT ARE THESE BOYS DOING HERE!?!" Michelle called out, forcing Louis to pull back and walking away. "They're here to watch the game." "And you didn't think to tell me?" "It's my house. I can invite whoever I want." "FINE! But tell them to throw away their beer." she demanded, " NO, why would I do that?" "Cause I don't want it near me." At this point, she wanted to cause problems. "You have never said that."Louis was both confused and annoyed. "UGH, WHATEVER!! I am going to my room!" She wanted to ruin Louis's day, but she couldn't, and it made her pissed. Louis just wanted a good night without her.

Harry came out when he heard the door slam. "HARRY! YAY! Where were you?" Liam asked, "The library." They all smiled at Harry and gestured to sit on the couch. Harry sat on the floor, still reading one of the books. Zayn was laying down a hand in Harry's hair, knowing the boy like it. Louis felt a pit in his stomach; he was getting jealous. He wanted to play with Harry's hair; he wanted to cuddle Harry, but he knew he couldn't.

The game was going good Harry fell asleep. Louis focused on Harry peacefully sleeping. He looked at how Harry's lips were parted and how his nose scrunched up at some points, and he noticed how Harry wrapped his arms around himself. "Psst," Liam whispered. "What?" Louis whispered, "Take a picture; it will last longer." Zayn said. "I would, but I don't have my phone." Zayn started to laugh; he threw his phone at Louis, and Louis took that opportunity to take a picture. "Send that to me." "Don't worry; I will." Zayn was trying so hard not to wake Harry up. Zayn knew Louis liked Harry. Louis would do the same thing when they were younger. Some things never change.

The game continued. Their team was still winning. The doorbell rang, causing Harry to wake up. Louis got up and saw a pizza man. "WHO ORDERD PIZZA?!" Louis called out. "I DID!" Niall answered. Louis paid for the pizza and went to the kitchen, grabbing plates and cups. They all went to the kitchen, still watching the game.

Michelle walked out. "Why are yall still here?" she asked, staring at Harry. "To watch the game," Zayn said, rolling his eyes. "Anyways, I got the job," She said proudly. "Wow, you work," Liam said, causing the boys to laugh. " Fuck you. You probably don't have a job. I wouldn't hire you." she left with a piece of pizza in her hand.

"Does she know that we work at the restaurant? Or is she that slow?" Lima said, causing Zayn to hum in agreement.

"Dude, why do you even date her?" Niall asked. "I don't even know at this point," Louis responded.

The night ended with the boys leaving and Lois getting a message from Harry and Zayn.

Harry🥺: Goodnight

Louis🙈: Goodnight :)


Zayn🤪: I hope you like it creep

Louis😎: Thank youZayn🤪: You know you really like him

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Louis😎: Thank you
Zayn🤪: You know you really like him. Why are you still with her?
Louis😎: Honestly, I don't know. It's just she has been there for a while, I guess
Zayn🤪: that's a dumb reason
Louis😎: I know

Louis was just one of those people that didn't like change. It freaked him out. He had an opportunity to move to the united states be he couldn't, and he's happy he didn't.

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