🌺I don't know🌺

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Louis's Pov

Since Michelle got her job, she has been gone all day and won't come back until seven at night. Should I say something? It's just so weird.

I start to overthink everything like honestly, I think she is cheating, and then I think about why I am with her. We are never together; we barely talk; it's just so weird. When we first met, it was just hook-ups, but then I made it official. We were your average couple. I think it all went downhill when I made a joke about BDSM to see how she would react. It did not go well. She started yelling and going crazy; it was terrible. Michelle is like a Christian but without religion, if that makes sense. I didn't know until we were deep in the relationship.

I don't see why we are still dating. I feel like I am forcing myself, but I feel bad. I know the second we break up, she has to live with her parents. Speaking of her parents, their shit like they are so annoying and always asking me if we will get married. I don't want to; it freaks me out being with her my whole life. I don't know what to do anymore. Should I tell her to get lost or stay? I mean, lately, I have been liking Harry; he's sweet and gentle. We can talk about anything we can sit in silence, but it's comfortable, not stressful. I DONT KNOW THIS IS GETTING SO HARD. I'm getting all stress for nothing; what do I do?


Hi, I know this was short. I just wanted to make a chapter with Louis's thoughts.

I hope you like everything :)

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