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Louis was running around the house looking for Harry. He had looked everywhere he was, hoping snowball would show him the way. But no, the dog decided to follow him. "Baby, where are you?" He walked to the office but didn't see anything. "Princess!" He walked to the playroom and didn't see anything. He kept walking; this house was too big. He finally went into the library and heard giggling. "Hm, I don't think my princess is here." Harry was giggling so loud at this point. Louis slowly walked up the stairs. "I FOUND YOU!" Louis grabbed Harry and placed kisses on his face. "Daddy, my turn!" "Yes, it is. Can you count to ten?" "Not know." "Do it with me." They counted to ten. Harry messed up a little, but he was doing good. "Okay, baby, by yourself now." Louis slowly walked away

"One...two...twee... our...five...ssix...even...eigt...nine...ten!" Harry ran out of the library, looking around. He went into his nursery and grabbed a pacifier, and went out again. Then to the bedroom "daddy?" no one answered so he kept walking around he was getting annoyed his daddy was too good. "Daddy!" he was losing hope that he would find him. He looked in the guest rooms and didn't see anything. He walked into the office and didn't see his daddy, so he was about to walk out. But two arms picked him up and started kissing him. "AHHHHHHHH," Louis started laughing "no funny, daddy" "I think it was hilarious" "no" "Aww, come on princess, I think it was funny." Louis places Harry down. Harry got mad and crawled away, knowing his daddy didn't like it when he crawled now that his walking is better or because Louis could carry him. "Hazza, come back" "no," Harry crawled and sat on the floor in front of the couches.

"What do I have to do? I don't like you mad at me. I am sorry." Harry just looked at Louis. "Princess, Baby, Love, little one?" Harry was blushing and trying to fight a smile. "Baby, if you tell why you are mad, we can get circles." Harry sat there thinking. "No like scare?" Harry didn't know if that was the right word. " You didn't like when daddy scared you?" "No like" Louis scooped Harry upped and placed kisses all over his face. "I am sorry. Now let's get some circles."  Harry cheered, and Louis carried him to the car.

Louis and Harry were "talking" about some things going on in their life. Louis told Harry that Kat was pregnant, and Harry could not stop screaming; he was so excited. Harry talked about his new favorite cartoon that he found. Then they talked about family and having jay over one day. When they finally made it to the store, Louis told Harry to stay still and not open the door for anyone.

~In the store~

"Hi can I get one cinnamon and a rainbow sprinkle...alright, thank you" Louis turned around and bumped into a guy. "I am sorry, man." Louis said, but when he saw the man, his blood boiled "uh, it's okay. You're Louis, right?" "How do you know my name?" Louis's voice was fucking scary "Um....uh... Harry's Instagram." "Well, then Jake, I hope you have a shitty day." "You don't even fucking know me!" "BUT I KNOW WHAT YOU DID!" "Ugh, he still does that shit?" "So what if he did? I don't care. I love him." Louis was pissed; how can this piece of shit say anything? "Dude, he needs to get over it." "And you better watch your mouth." "It was annoying. You will get tired of it." "No, I won't. The only reason you "got tired" was because you couldn't fuck him. So shut the fuck up and go fuck your hand tonight. While you do that, I will be having a nice time with my baby."

Louis grabbed the doughnuts and stormed out. When he got in the car, Harry crawled into his lap with a big smile. This is why I don't care what people say, Louis thought. He gave Harry his doughnut, and seconds later, Jake walked out, and Louis flicked him off. Harry saw and did the same thing. Louis started laughing. "Baby, you don't do that." "But Daddy did" "Well, Daddy didn't like that person" Harry didn't see who they did that too. "If daddy don't like, I don't like."  "You still can't do that." "But daddy did" "Baby; I am the adult" "I can do when older?" "No" "but daddy just said" "Ugh, you are too smart. You cant do it, if you will get time out." "Daddy, get time out." Louis laughed and kissed Harry's head."I love you" "I love too, daddy."

All he needs

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