🌺15 years🌺

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This Chapter will talk about Harry's past a little bit, and it's not the happiest, so please, this is your warning. Don't read the flashback if you think you can handle it.

~The same night~

Louis got home from dropping Harry off. "Hey, I am back! What did you get?" He walks to see Michelle sitting on the couch. "I got sushi." She said coldly. "Okay, thanks" "Why was he here?" Louis didn't want to talk about that right now, but of course, she had to bring it up. "Nothing he told me once that he liked to read and decided he can take some books from the library because we don't read them." "And when did this whole 'he told that he liked to read' conversation happen?" Her voice sounded like she was forcing it out, like she didn't care, but she had to act as she did. "The day I stayed to help him clean the restaurant." "When was that?" "When you decided to leave the restaurant!" "you know what I had en-" "I AM going to eat this and go to sleep. I am not arguing with you today" Michelle was pissed. She hated when Louis interrupted her. "Fine, but you are taking me to the city, and we are going shopping." "They have stores here." "Not the ones I want." "FINE!" Louis slammed the door, not wanting to talk to her anymore. Louis didn't want to yell, but Michelle made him angry it made him want to punch a wall.

~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Morning~~~~~~~~~~~

Louis woke up to a knock on his door. "Wake up. I only have until 4:00." It was Michelle. "Can't you go by yourself?" "NO, you are coming with me lets go." "Okay, I am getting up." Louis decided not to dress up, just casual clothes. It was 12:00. He had to deal with Michelle for 3 hours. "Why do you have until 4?" "Because I have a job interview," Louis snorted. "You don't believe that I can get a job?" She asked, "Listen, you suck when it comes to assistant jobs. You had 4 before we left. So no, you need to find something else." Michelle was furious with Louis, but he didn't care; he was just honest. One time she worked for Louis, so he knows what he's saying is correct.

They got in the car. He put music on to fill the silence; it wasn't comfortable; it was stressful. Louis's phone got a message "Who is that?" Michelle said, pulling away from the window, "I don't know. I will look once we get to a red light." He pulled out his phone and saw Harry's name.

Harry🥺: No breakfast?

Louis🙈: No, sorry

Harry🥺: Where are you?

Louis🙈: I was forced to shop

Harry🥺: Haha, I am so sorry

Louis🙈: It's okay just want to get back to work

Harry🥺: I will let you get back to shopping. Bye

Louis🙈: Bye Harry

"Are you going to tell who it is?" "It was Harry; he was asking if I was going to order breakfast." "ew, he is so annoying, like he such a kiss ass to your mom. Like, of course, he likes it up the ass. Why do you even talk to him?" "Please be careful with your words. I am not afraid to turn around." "WOW, I didn't know you two were so close" "Yea, we are; I talk to him and Liam. So please shut up. You are talking about people you don't even know." "Well then, maybe you should host your own fucking party with all your gay mates" Let's be honest, Michelle only 'cares' because she doesn't want to lose all the money. Louis only 'cared' because he doesn't want things to change.

Michelle didn't talk the rest of the ride or even when shopping. Louis didn't even get off of the car.


~Harry's house~(Same day)

Harry was at home reading the books Louis gave him. He texted Louis earlier, but he wanted to text him again, but something stopped him.

Mom❤️: Hi, baby. Your dad and I want you to come over.

Harry🧸: I would love too I'll be over there in a bit

Harry didn't want to go just because his parents will get mad at him for a particular reason, but hopefully, that doesn't happen.

~Anne's House~

Harry pulled up to his Mom's house. His step-dad Robin was the one to open the door. "Hey, dad!" Harry loved Robin; he was everything to Harry. "Hey, your mom is in the kitchen." Harry walked into the house. It's the same as his childhood. It was filled with good and bad memories, but Harry only tried to remember the happy moments. "Hi honey," his mother said, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Hey Mom, why did you ask me to come over?" "Well, I wanted to make sure you are okay?" "Why wouldn't I be?" "Tomorrow will be 15 years" "oh, I kinda forgot." "Harry, please come to us if you need anything," Robin said, knowing how tomorrow affects Harry. Robin just wanted to be there for him. Harry needed someone, and Robin always tried to help him.

~Flashback 15 years ago~

"Harry, call the police go to the closet, and call them," Anne said, trying to be as quiet as she can be. Today was the day Anne Gemma and Harry will finally fight back. Desmond was cruel to his family. Harry was only ten, but he had to act like he was older, not having a childhood because any type of fun was not tolerated. The older he got, Desmond started to drink and hurt Harry and his mom, sometimes Gemma. But she knew where to hide Harry would always be too late. Harry ran to the closet.

"911, what your emergence?" "hi am Harry, and my dad is trying to hurt me and my mom and sister." "ok, harry, has this happen before, and how old are you?" "I am 10, and yes, he does it a lot." "where are you?" "I am in the closet, and my mom is trying to move things to block the door; my sister is in the restroom." "Okay, I need you to stay calm; where is your dad?" "I don't know, but my mom said he is outside" "Alright, I am sending cops to your house; please stay until an officer gets yall." "Okay" "stay on the phone with me" "I will."

"Harry, did you call them?" "Yes, she said to stay on the phone, and she is sending people." "Alright, love."

Living in the house, Harry was always scared to do the wrong thing. He was only ten, but he had to act like he was 20. He had to talk appropriately, making sure his manners were perfect, or he would get smacked where ever Desmond's hand landed. He felt like he could never do anything right. When Harry was first born, Desmond was sweet, but the older Harry got, Desmond, became cruel. Harry always believed it was his fault, but his mother would tell him otherwise. There was a knock on the door. "Hello, this is officer Copper. May I come in?" Officer Copper knew the family very well. He was the one to help them get a lawyer. "Give me a second," Harry's mom called out. They moved all of the furniture Gemma came out, and they left the room. The last time Harry saw Desmond was when they went to court, he saw that man walk away in handcuffs.

~End of flashback~

"I know, dad, but I am okay, I promise. Did you call Gemma?" "We did, but she's more worried about you. You were hurt the most." Harry indeed had to deal with it because 'he was a man.' Those words will forever be in Harry's mind. Desmond would hurt him just because he was a boy. Desmond said he should handle it like a man. Harry never called Desmond his dad. He didn't deserve that title.

"I am okay, mom, I promise." He was, but some part of him was still hurting. "Okay, Okay, let's talk about something else. Have you found a dom?" She asked. "No, it's hard because you don't know who is real and fake." When Harry told his parents about his lifestyle and being a little, they were happy he was opening up to them. Growing up before and after Desmond, Harry was very quiet. "I get it, but Harry, you need one." "I know, I need someone to be there if I slip." Harry actually really needed one last time he slipped Zayn, and Liam had to take care of him. "Baby, there's no one?" She was worried no one would be there for him. "I mean, there is this one guy, but he has a girlfriend, and I don't think he's a dom, but I like him." " Your Mother and I would like to meet him one day. Maybe? even if yall are friends." "Yeah, maybe." "Let's eat, and you can go home if you want, but you can stay if you like," Anne said.

And that's what they did they had dinner and Harry went home thinking about Louis and how much fun they had together.

Louis🤩: Goodnight Harry :)

Harry smiled so big he sent a goodnight text back and went inside to shower and sleep.

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