6. Habits

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I was already missing Davina's lips on mine.

All those years were worth the wait. All the threats to the other guys in the school and all those stupid pranks pulled on me by her brothers were worth it. I always understood why they pulled those pranks honestly. But, I never wanted to admit.

Just the thought of them thinking I would just use Davina just for my pleasure was unbearable. I would never do that to her, let alone hurt her. 

All those feelings I had hidden were now finally coming out. While in thought Daniel was staring at me while I was sitting in Davina's bed. "What bro?" I softly yelled. "Oh, nothing I was just thinking you know." I squinted my eyes a little and tilted my head to the right. "And your thinking has to happen while you stare at me?" He chuckled a little. I don't know what was so funny about this. I hated when people stared at me and he of all people knew that. 

"You wouldn't have happened to know how Davina got the bruise on her neck or hickey, right?" He had a little stupid smirk on his face. "What are you talking about didn't she just say that it was from her phone?" He got up from where he was and pointed to where a phone was on a nightstand. "Her phone has been charging and don't you think if it was from her phone, it would still be in her bed near her pillow or something." I looked over to where she usually sleeps on her bed. "Didn't you have to wake them up?" Daniel started walking toward me. "Don't try and change the subject! Did you give her that hickey, Cade?" I stood up. 

"Fine. I did and what about it." Daniel looked at me with shock. "Bro, no way! My guy finally stepped up!" He started nudging me and patting me on the back. "If you tell anyone I will drag you myself to hell! As you can tell Davina didn't want that to be out. I myself could care less, but if you tell her I told you, I will..." He cut me off. "Alright, alright I won't say anything. Not even to Haze." 

"You should really wake them up." I pointed to the rest of our friends. He looked up while bending down ready to nudge Haze. "A little help?" He asked. I really just came up here to get a shirt so I can go back down and help Davina. I got closer to where Haze and Daniel were. He wanted help waking him up, I gave him just that. Just as I approach them I kicked Haze's legs really hard. As he let out a groan and tilted his head up I was already out the door. That's what Daniel gets for questioning me earlier. 

As I'm putting on my shirt while making my way downstairs. The smell coming from the kitchen engulfed me. I could tell she was making bacon. I entered the kitchen to see her humming and slightly moving to what she was humming. I was getting happy, that only I was seeing her at this moment. She turned around and squealed a little. "You scared me!" She put her hand over her chest. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was just enjoying the little show." She rolled her eyes at me. I stepped closer to her and bend to where my lips were near her left ear. "You know I can make those eyes roll at something else." I whispered. She pushed me a little. I looked up at her face to see she was blushing. 

"You seem to like the idea. You're blushing." I pointed to her face. She looked away from me. "No, I'm not. It's just the heat from the stove." I chuckle. "You sure about that because you weren't even facing the stove." I walked towards her once again while she was looking down at the floor. I raise my finger to her chin and tilt her face so she's looking at me. Her pretty blue eyes were something I can stare at all day. 

I was getting the feeling she was getting nervous noticing that she was biting her lip. She always managed to do that when she was nervous or in the train of thought. "Stop doing that." She stared right into my eyes. "Stop doing what?" She asked innocently. "You're biting your lip. Sometimes you don't stop till you're bleeding from biting them."   

"It's just a habit and you know that. I can't just make myself stop it's just something I don't realize I do." After, she was done speaking she went back to biting her lip. I had the perfect idea of how to get her to stop biting her lip. There was only a short distance between us since she was still looking up at me. I brought her face closer to mine by dragging her chin with my finger. She wasn't declining my intentions, so I knew it was okay to kiss her. 

Her lips were soft as I remember earlier this morning. She was enjoying the kiss just like me. Her arms were wrapped around my neck while I was cupping her face and having another arm wrapped around her waist. As I was about to deepen the kiss, I heard steps coming from the stairs. I was gonna keep kissing her but she must have heard as well because she unwrapped herself from me and went back to cooking her breakfast. 

Haze was the first person to come down the stairs and following him was Daniel. Then, the girls came down a few minutes later. 

Daniel gave me a knowing look. I wanted to smack that stupid grin he had on his face. He knew that Davina was driving me crazy already and just him joking around with that, wasn't funny. 

"So, what are the plans today?" Juliana asked all energetic. I swear the girl did not need not an ounce of coffee. She was always so happy and energetic all the time. "Do you guys have any ideas?" Davina turned around with a plate of pancakes. "We should go to the city. The weather is nice today." Aliayah said. We all agreed to go. 

We all finished eating and cleaned up to get ready to go. The guys and I took about 25 minutes to get ready. The girls took about an hour to get ready. So, we manage to leave Davina's house at 1:30 PM. We started making our way to the city. 

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