16. Motive

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I stood there looking at Cade. He leaned in and took my drink. 

"I can make you one if you want?" I told him. He shook his head. 

"No, I'm not drinking tonight. You shouldn't either." Who was he to tell me I shouldn't drink?

I grabbed my drink back from his hand and took a large sip. "Well, good thing we don't agree on that." I took another sip, feeling the burning sensation in my chest. 

"What are you even doing here?" I asked him. 

"I had nothing to do at your house, so I figured coming to a party would be better." It didn't look like he was having fun. 

"You should really go easy on that." he pointed towards my drink after seeing me take my third big sip. When I looked into my cup, I was almost finished with my drink. I finished the drink I made. One things for sure, Aliayah was sure right to call me an alcoholic sometimes. Once, I have a drink it wasn't gonna stop there. 

I saw a couple of people pouring themselves shots next to us. "You know what, Cade? If you won't have fun. I'll have fun for the both of us." I smiled at him and started walking towards the people next to us. I took a shot glass and poured myself a shot. I gave myself a mental countdown before drinking it. 

"Hey Jack's girl, wanna do a body shot?" Parker, I'm pretty sure was his name, asked me. 

I nodded my head. "Why not?" I responded back.

"Atta girl." I've never done a body shot but I was willing to give it a try. Parker grabbed my arm dragging me, I guess, towards someone. I noticed Jack had a shot in his hand and a lime in the other. 

"Okay, you know what to do right?" Parker looked at me. I just nodded my head. I mean I had an idea. 

Jack looked at me. "Are you comfortable with this?" His eyes giving me reassurance that if I wasn't comfortable I didn't have to do it. "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't, Jack." I gave him a small smile. 

I wet my fingers a bit with water and glide it on the side of his neck. I placed a little a little salt on the wet spot on his neck. 

"Ready?" I asked him. He gave me a smile and a nod. I took the shot from his hand and drank it without a countdown. I went in to lick the salt off his neck, giving him a light suck before I detached myself. I backed away to see the lime slightly in his mouth. I leaned in and took the lime in my mouth. 

Jack stood in his position. Not sure, if he was surprised but I couldn't read his expression. People around were cheering like if they never saw someone do a body shot or something. I wasn't even that great. I mean that was my first try. Parker came up behind me. Placing an arm around my shoulder. 

"Jack this girl knows how to have fun, for sure." I laughed. "She sure does." Jack replied. "Might have to make her my new party buddy, if you won't pay attention to her." Parker continued. 

"Good thing I'm paying attention to her now." He took steps closer to us. He leaned down to my ears, so I would hear him. "Wanna dance?" He pointed towards the people dancing when he backed away. I smiled at him and took his hand to drag him towards where others were dancing. 

No Hands by Roscoe Dash started playing once we reached everyone dancing. 

"I hope you can keep up with me because this song is great." I half yelled while I leaned in, so he would hear me better. He chuckled. 

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