14. Nights

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This whole week had already gone quick. It was already Thursday and the teachers surprisingly haven't killed me with a lot of work. 

I was in my last period with Cade and Jack. Jack had sat in his usual seat and Cade in his. 

"Hey." Jack spoke up. 

"Hi." I smiled at him. 

The teacher walked in and started to teach the class. This class was the most boring one out of my schedule and unnecessary. But, I wasn't mad because at least Cade was in the class and sometimes he was a class clown. 

"So, can anyone tell me how airplanes stay in the air?" Ms. Blake said. 

There she goes with the stupid questions. I was about to lay my head down until I noticed Cade raising his hand. 

"Aren't they built a certain way to stay in the air? You know maybe you should take a trip across the country Ms.Blake. So, we wouldn't have to be here." The class started to snicker at Cade's comment. 

"Very funny Mr. O'Brien. But, you were on the right track. Does anyone else have an answer." She continued. Everyone stood quiet. 

"Alright, since no one knows the answer..." I couldn't pay attention anymore to this boring class. I started to write in my notebook random shit until the class was over. 


The last bell rung and everyone got up and basically ran out that door. Who wouldn't? 

"Hey, so are you ready tomorrow night?" Jack spoke to me. 

I smiled at him. "Uh yeah...I just don't know to wear." He smiled back at me. "Davina, you would look good in anything really." He replied back. 

I laughed nervously. I didn't know how to take compliments. "Thanks." I looked over at the door of the class and saw Cade waiting. "Uh, I'm sorry but I gotta go. My rides waiting." I pointed towards Cade. Jack turned to look at him and turned back at me. 

"Oh no problem. Get home safe." 

"You too." I walked towards the door only to be grabbed by Cade walking towards the parking lot. 

"Heyy, what's your problem?" I almost yelled at him. 

He stopped once we reached his car and turned towards me. 

"My problem, is that I don't trust that guy." He pointed towards the school. "I'm being serious Vina. He doesn't give off a good vibe." He let out. 

"Cade, you honestly need to stop this. You're not my boyfriend. And don't you think it's a little late to tell me this. I'm uhh already going on a date with him." 

He stepped back. "When?", he said with no emotion. 

"Tomorrow night." He turned around and put his stuff in the car and turned it on. 

I took that as a sign to just get in and not say a word. 

This ride home was gonna be weird. 


When we got home, Cade just went into his room in my house. That's how I knew he was pissed. But, there was no reason for him to be mad at me. I was for sure that he was just treating me like one of his flings. 

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