18. Psycho

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I got up, thanks to my alarm. It was already Monday. I was still feeling like shit, honestly. And it didn't help that I had to go to school today. 

Maybe, I just won't go. Take a day off. Like, if I didn't have two days feeling miserable in my room. 

Right, when I covered myself with my sheets, I heard my door open. 

"Davina? You need to get up for school." I no longer felt my sheets covering me. I opened my eyes to see Kyle holding on to my sheets as he stared at me. 

"I don't feel well. I don't wanna go." I tried making my voice sound like I was sick.

"You're perfectly fine. You're gonna be late to school though." He walked towards my curtain drawing them open and letting the sun glare in. 

"Ugh, why couldn't you just leave me alone, just for today." I sat up on my bed. 

"Is Bryan still here?" I asked. I didn't wanna drive to school. I hated driving to school, it was too early to drive to the one place I didn't wanna go to. 

"No. I think he left early." I let out a groan.  

"Then, I'm not going. I don't wanna drive there."

"I'll drive you then. I'll also pick you up." He told me. 

I looked at the time 7:05 am. "Fine. But I'm taking my time to get ready."

I decided to take a 10 minute shower, then get ready. Once, I was ready it was 7:25. Even though I wasn't hungry I decided to make myself breakfast to let time run. Honestly, I wanted to be late so I wouldn't have to deal with anyone. 

After making and finishing breakfast, I checked the time again. 7:40. I waited till it was 7:45 to tell Kyle we could leave. School was 30 minutes away, so I was gonna be late.

I put my headphones in and played music until we got there. 

Once we got there, I took them off and got out.

"Hey." Kyle spoke making me turn around to see what he would say. "Stop being miserable. It gets better."

I turned around. "Yeah, shit will get better." I whispered sarcastically. 

I got my late pass and proceeded to walk towards my locker, which was on the end of the school. I was walking slow, I was in no rush. 

Once I got to my locker, I placed my stuff and got the books I needed till lunch, which wasn't much. Ugh, time to start this shitty day. I walked in class with my head down and gave the teacher my late pass. The second I reached my desk in the back and sat down, I placed my head down. 

There was honestly no reason for me to come. I already knew this routine was gonna happen in every class. 



We all sat at our table at lunch. I noticed Davina wasn't here and I know I saw her first period. 

"Cade. I need to talk to you." I told him. 

"What's up?"

"Not here." I got up from my seat. 

"Uh, okay." He started to take the hint. 

"What about me? I don't get to know the details?" Daniel spoke up.

I rolled my eyes. "You can come. I don't care." I said with no emotion in my tone. 

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