Bonus Chapter: Surprises

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‼️Play the song when you see a bold asterisk (*) Enjoy‼️


I didn't know a person can make me this soft. Honestly, Aliayah was turning me into a person I never thought I would become. 

Obviously, I wouldn't let her know that and let her tease me for it. 

Here I was visiting her at her dorm, which is a surprise. I decided to maybe lighten her mood. We had been FaceTiming and she had been letting me know her struggle of living with a roommate. Lucky for me, I got a room to myself and I didn't have to worry about living with someone else. 

Even though she won't say it, I know she misses being back home. I know she obviously likes the change of environment but I think the change of people is what's bothering her. 

I somehow got her to tell me the name and number of her building so, it wasn't too hard to find my way. Just had to ask a couple people where the building was and I was good. 

I was walking through a hall and suddenly stopped when I saw Aliayah's and her roommates name on the door. I gave the door two light knocks and waited. 

A girl with light wavy, curly hair and brown eyes opened the door. She looked up at me. "Oh, hi." She gave a small smile and her eyes lightened up. "Is Aliayah here?" 

The girl looked behind the door and looked back at me. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, she's here." She just stood there. 

"Mind getting her for me?" I pulled an awkward half smile on my face. "Oh, yes. My bad." She nervously chuckled. 

I waited out the door for Aliayah to come into view. The door was opening back up. Aliayah made eye contact with me and just stood there.

"Wow, I would think you would be happy to see me and hug me or kiss me, something." I acted hurt. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked confused. 

"I wanted to take you out to eat. Have someone to actually talk to. Come on get ready." I ignored the lack of affection she was giving me at the moment. Can't say it didn't hurt a little, after not seeing her for three months now. 

"Are you just gonna stand the-" She cut me off by her action. She was hugging me. It took me a second to react. Aliayah wasn't much for showing a lot of affection. Which is why I always liked teasing her, it made her nervous and she wouldn't know what to do at the moment. Plus, I always find it funny she avoids my eye contact. 

I hugged her back. She backed away. I placed my hands on her face for her to look at me, I placed a quick soft kiss on her lips. "Glad to know you miss me." I grinned. 

"You can come in. I'm sure my roommate doesn't mind since she called you hot." She turned around and proceeded to walk into the room. "Quinn this is Haze." Aliayah introduced me to Quinn, while she was fidgeting with her fingers on her bed. I gave her a smile. 

I looked around the room and noticed Aliayah's side, wasn't as decorated as Quinn's side. Knowing Aliayah, she'd probably run out of patience and give up, which is why her side looks more simple. 

"How'd you meet Aliayah? I haven't really seen you around on campus." She asked, trying to strike a conversation, while Aliayah was getting ready. 

"I'm her boyfriend and I don't go here." I simply said. Her eyes went wide. "Oh.", is all she let out. Good, I was kind of hoping that would shut down the conversation she wanted to start with me. I could tell that if I didn't let her know about that information she would have found a way to flirt with me.

"Alright, I'm ready to go." Aliayah walked out of, what I'm assuming was, the bathroom. 

She really looked good. 

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