3. Oh, Brother

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While I was on my way to Vina's I picked the guys up and picked some movies. The girls said they would meet us there after, I asked them if they needed a ride. "So what made you bring up this whole idea?" Haze asked. I think he thought that it had something to do with Davina but, really I just wanted to hang out I guess. "Nothing, just thought we could catch up on what we missed, right?" Even though Haze wasn't convinced enough, Daniel sure didn't care as long as he was around Juliana. That kid could never get his eyes off her.

As we arrived at Davina's house the girls were just pulling up in the driveway when we got there. So I pulled up right behind them. When we all got out and had gotten our stuff we walked to the door. Juliana had pushed the doorbell. We were all greeted by V's annoyed face, I thought she might have been happy to see us. That's until I saw her brothers. Oh, no that was bad. The last time I tried coming into this house let's just say it wasn't welcoming, like her mat outside her door. We all walked in, and the girls seemed happy but Haze, Daniel, and I weren't so neutral about being in her house anymore.

Luke came up to us and had a greeting smile. Just seeing him smile made me want to jump right back in my car and go home. "Bro, you haven't changed a bit in two years." He chuckled. I was a bit nervous and so were Daniel and Haze but not as nervous as I was. They basically thought I was just friends with their sister for personal needs. "Yea...how was your day?" I managed to say. Listen, I was so nervous, I think I was going to shit myself. "Oh, it's about to get a whole lot better with your company, right Davina?" He turned to D and gave her a smirk. "Luke, please don't do anything stupid and that goes for you too, Adrian." I looked at Adrian too, he was the one that I was most afraid of. I took a step back and completely turned around walking to the kitchen.

I came across Bryan, he was chill. After all, he was in the same grade as us. Davina's parents had adopted him when he was born. His parents I guess, couldn't take care of him. "Sup, Cade." He said nonchalantly as if he couldn't see the nervousness on my face. "Please tell me that your brothers are just acting that way because they want to see Davina happy. Or are they planning something that I have to have eyes on everything?" He laughed a little too hard at that one as if this was funny. "I wish I can tell you but, I don't know what they're planning to do. Why are you so scared of them anyways?" I thought of all the pranks these two managed to pull on me in the past. Just to stay away from Davina.

There was the wedgie one in 6th grade, the dog poop one in 7th, the phone call prank that made me stay home for three days(supposedly guys were waiting to beat me up) in 8th, and so far much more. Just thinking of those made me want to hide in a bucket. "You think this is all a joke, don't you? Look at them, Luke is a tough guy. He could take anyone out and Adrian is secretly a psychopath." He gave a chuckle. I looked at Adrian just for a slight second. It's been one minute and I'm still here in one piece.
"Look, they aren't that bad. I bet they just look out for Davina in an overprotective brother kind of way. Just don't pull anything off with her, if you want to live." I give him a look saying 'You better be right' kind of way.

This was going to be a long night.


I was really afraid for Cade. The guys were kinda chill about my brothers. My brothers now that I thought of it never did anything to Haze and Daniel. It just had to be Cade. As the girls and the boys were trying to figure out what movie, I was bringing the snacks over to the living room and blankets. Bryan had decided to join us, but who knows where Luke and Adrian were. Finally, everyone decided on watching a horror movie with a little bit of comedy. But I wasn't so excited or neutral about the choice. I've had bad experiences with horror movies at night, I get so paranoid, and then it just keeps me up all night, but I just went along with it. Haze and Aliayah were sitting in the left corner, Juliana and I were in the middle while Cade was sitting next to me, and Daniel was next to Juliana. And Bryan had been sitting in a solo chair, it was like a sofa chair for one, it has to be one of my favorite things in this house. The movie had started and we were 20 minutes in, but out of those minutes I'd just been staring down at my popcorn. Cade must have realized that I wasn't paying attention, he elbowed me and asked, "Too scary?" I looked at him, his nice hazel eyes. "No, it's just too boring." I wasn't going to admit it was scary for me, I mean come on I'm not going to do that to myself, especially in front of Cade. He gave an okay look and went back to the movie.

After halfway into the movie, it was getting kinda gruesome. So I stood up and went to the bathroom. I stood there for a good 10 minutes making sure I was in the clear that the movie was back to neutral. I was on my way back till I saw Adrian peeking around. "Adrian... what are you doing?", he stood up looking confused. "What, sis? I'm not doing anything." He was holding something behind his back. I was walking towards him until he backed away from me. "What's that behind you?" He looked at me with a straight face. Adrian is very dangerous when it comes to having my friends over, especially the boys. "Adrian, I swear if you do anything that ruins anyone of my friend's night, I will get you back." I use to do pranks myself but I had stopped because I got in trouble, and wasn't allowed to do anything for a whole week.

Adrian was testing me right now, so I gave him a death stare. I would give these stares to my brothers to let them know I was serious. He finally gave up, "Fine, you win, only because I know how dangerously you can turn this place." As he walked back into his room, I walked downstairs back to the movie and sat in my place. "You missed all the good parts D.", Cade told me. "Sorry about that Adrian was just being difficult a moment ago."

I sat back down not knowing what was coming next. 

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