Chapter 1

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(The song of this chapter is a soulmate who wasn't meant to be by Jess benko)



I watched as Liam walked away and down the street. He walked farther and farther till I couldn't see him anymore. He turned around to look at me once, and that was it. But he didn't look at me with loving eyes anymore. He was a stranger.

And in that moment I realized we have been here before. We have been strangers before, and we are here again. Only this time, we have memories, hidden memories. Only I remember, but that doesn't make them any less important.


I wake up in a cold sweat and cate is standing above me, holding my shoulders and trying to wake me up. She brought me into a hug and her voice was muffled.

"Gosh girly! I thought you were gonna die on my, not even joking!" She said to me. For the past month I've been having the same nightmares. Liam leaving me.

I brought it on myself though. I knew that. But it doesn't mean it hurts any less. He was truly gone. I wouldn't ever see him again. He was a stranger to me now.

That's what sucks. It's hard to go into the next chapter of your life, when you know they won't be in it with you.

"I'm ok." I managed to get out. She didn't believe me and I knew it. "I'm fine, really." I said again and she just nodded.

She walked over to the curtains of the safe house and opened them. The moonlight shone through and when I checked the alarm clock it read 4am. We had to leave early today because they were taking me to HQ.

I was going to meet my team of kids and apparently I was the 'leader'. I didn't know what that meant and I didn't really like the idea of being a leader. It was all so nerve racking.

I watched as cate moved to grab my bag and I launched myself into her mind. I knew that would be the only way to stop her. She still had control, but very little of it.

She slowly stood up with the control she had and faced me. "What are you doing?" She asked me. I didn't know.

"Genevieve, you haven't unpacked for a month now. Liam is gone. Charles is gone, you have to move on some how." She said to me. I felt tears and I let go of her mind. She came rushing to my side and sat down on the bed.

"I know it's hard..." she said and I cried harder. She had no idea what this was like. "Listen to me. I know what this is like. If you think I don't care about the kids in the league, your wrong. Every kid I gain, I get close with, and when I lose them, it's the hardest thing." She said.

That was nothing close to what I am going through. Me and Liam weren't just partners or just work together or just friends. We were more than friends. We loved each other. And she is just comparing
a mere friendship to a love.

"How do you move on?" I asked her. It was genuine though. No sarcasm or snarky comments. I feel bad. That's how I have been with these people. They are the only reason I can't be with Liam and chubs. And Zu.

"One thing I've learned is you don't. The pain never goes away. You just learn to cope with the feeling of it." She said to me and that made me feel a little better.

I nodded and sat up a little. I got out of the bed and walked to my bag of things. It was little things but they meant the world to me. I pulled out a photo, it was of me and Liam. Just me and him.

It was at the mall where we all took our group photo. Me and Liam snuck off from the others and took a photo together. It was of us kissing. I remember it and it makes me sad.

Remembering. (LIAM STEWART x OC) Where stories live. Discover now