Chapter 7

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(Please note that this chapter is all in chubs point of view)
Chapter song is you are a memory by message to bears!

CHUBS POV (1 month ago)

I'm sitting in a diner when I hear the news over. I watch as they haul someone into the back of a van. At first I thought it was lee. But I realize quickly It was Cole.

I haven't ever met Cole in person but I have heard enough about him to understand what he looks like. I've seen photos too and I know that he looks so close to Liam, only cole looks a bit older.

Apparently he was being hauled away for 'helping a child with powers' or something like that. I'm not sure because as soon as I see Liam in the background Im running out of the diner and headed to the place it was at.

It's a couple of hours away but it will be worth jt when I find Liam and Genevieve. I need to find them, then we can go get Zu.

As Im pulling up to the apartment complex I'm surprised I don't see a ton of police around, or anyone for that matter.

I know Liam and Genevieve wont be that stupid to hang out in the place directly after it was compromised. They are probably hanging around in the woods outside town or some diner.

I park my car and walk up and down alleys trying to find Liam and Genevieve. I haven't seen them since I got away from the league. It's been almost a year and I still can't find them.

I'm so close to seeing them though. I look for Genevieves curly blonde hair and Liams short blonde hair. I can't find them though. It's good though.

I check my PSF devise often to see if they have been updated anywhere. I haven't found one on Liam in a few months which is good and I haven't seen any on Gen since I got it.

I've been walking around for a while so I decide to find a house on the outskirts of town that's abandoned. I look in and out of houses till I find one I think is good.

I head back to my car and drive to the place. It's not in the middle of the woods but it's far enough in that no one will be able to see me from the street. Only someone who is looking for a person will see me.

I park the car and grab my gun switching the safety on but making sure I would be able to get it off in time. I don't like to use the gun but I have it just in case my powers will fail me.

I walk to the back door and look in the windows, it's completely abandoned. Nothing is in the house, not a single piece of furniture, and it's weird.

It's two story but I can guarantee that if the downstairs is abandoned, so is the upstairs. I pick the lock on the door and I move inside. I lock it and shut the blinds.

I move slowly and check every room thoroughly. I move upstairs and find a bed in one room and the rest are empty. The water is still working so that's good. I check every room upstairs too and it's all clear.

I go around and lock all the doors and windows. No one should be getting in. I go into the kitchen and unpack Some food for the night. As I'm doing so I hear a noise in the room over. I walk into the living room and I'm thrown against the wall.

I'm held there and my vision is going in and out. I can't see due to the contact my head made with the wall. "Stop! I'm one of you!" I say. Doesn't matter if it's a skip trader holding me to the wall or another kid. I have proof that I'm both.

They drop me from the wall and I land on my knees. "Chubs?!" I hear and all too familiar voice say.

"Gosh darn Liam! Genevieve can you bring me my glasses? They fell when your stupid boyfriend threw me on the wall!" I say.

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