Chapter 14

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Please keep in mind if your here because you read the darkest minds series, this will be different from the actual second book, like drastically. If you here just cause you like my book, you have nothing to worry about.

Gens POV:

I walk around the house and wake everyone up. We need to go find Liam and soon. If he isn't here who knows what danger he has put himself in.

"Let's go people!" I yell around the house while packing my bag. "We need to get a move on it. If we want to find Liam and the flash drive than we need to keep moving." I say.

They all slowly trudge around the house getting their things. I'm waiting outside for about 5 minutes before everyone joins me.

"Gen, I get it that you want to find the flash drive but you need to make up your mind on what your gonna do with lee. He doesn't deserve to not know." Chubs try to convince me to tell Liam everything.

I almost give in. "No. Your not doing this to me." I say holding back tears. He doesn't understand how hard this is on me to not go back to him.

I walk faster and faster till I'm almost running and I can hear them yelling behind me. I stop and start to feel a panic attack. I can feel the fire inside me wanting out and right now is a good time since there is snow all on the ground.

"Stay back! Please...I don't want to hurt you anymore." I say. Chubs steps forward. And my eyes snap towards his. "No. The whole reason we got separated was because of me. Because of this!" I yell shoving my hands near him.

He doesn't flinch or more. Telling me he ain't scared of me. "Please. Step back." I whisper brokenly towards him and reluctantly and hesitatingly he does.

Vida and Jude are far enough away. I let out a painful scream and the fire I've been holding in comes out. It melts the snow on the ground and chars the earth but no fire I started. I feel it in my veins and I shoot it at the group with my hands.

After I feel nothing left to be let out I fall to the ground and chubs runs to me. He looks at my arms and hands to make sure I'm not hurt. I'm not. I don't think I can hurt myself.

"Don't scare me like that again." He says sternly and I can here Judes cries towards me. He hasn't really ever seen me like this I don't think. He is normally away from me during my episodes. Vida has her head to the ground as my sons eco through the forest ahead of us.

"I'm okay." I say trying to convince myself and chubs. He doesn't buy it but he nods. I stand up and wipe my knees and hands of. I nod to Jude and vida and I start walking.

We walk for most of the day, only stopping to use the restroom or to eat. Our legs are sore and we are all exhausted but we can't seem to stop ourselves from going further.

I hear crunching ahead of us and I motion for everyone to stop and get down. They do as I say and I hear coughing. 

I step forward and it makes a sound causing whoever it is to lift me into the air. I let out a scream but it is quickly silenced with their powers.

I throw a fire ball towards them but I can't see who it is yet. I hear vida draw her gun and I hear chub pull out his knife. The person lifts me higher until they drop me. I let out a scream as I fall on my arm.

The person tries to get close to me after hearing me in pain but they fall to the ground and start coughing profusely.

"Don't worry about me get them!" I yell at vida and chubs. They rush over to the person and I hear chubs gasp.

"Shit. Shit." He mumbles. "Put your gun away!" He yells at vida.

I get up and walk over to them. "Do I look as pretty as I feel chubsie?" He asks chubs and I feel tears in my eyes.

"Liam." I whisper. "What happened to you..." I wonder aloud. Chubs sits him up at the base of a tree and gets food and water out for him.

"He needs medicine. Bad." Chubs says.

"Me and Jude can go back to your car and get it." Vida asks and chubs nods.

"If your not back here by tomorrow night your dead." Chubs tells her and she nods. Her and Jude get things together in a pack and head off the way we came in.

"I'm going to try and find some dry fire wool, are you okay with him?" Chubs asks me and I nod. He walks off and sets leaves down every few steps to find his way back.

Liam falls back asleep and leans on my shoulder. I push him off and sit in front of him. He is out for a couple of minutes before he jolts awake.

"You..." he starts off and I'm confused. "I know you." He says and I feel my heart beat quicken.

"Nope. We don't know each other. I just know Charles." I say. If I called him chubs he would be suspicious.

"No. I know you." He says more confidence in this time.

"I met you in the children's league safe house." I tell him and everything is put together.

"Ok. But I know you from somewhere else." He says.

I shake my head and go to protest but he interrupts me. "Your the girl from my dreams." He says and my heart breaks. Some part of him is trying to remember me so hard. But he can't.

"Yea?" I ask him and he nods.

"Yea. You look the same. She comes to me and makes sure I'm ok. She tells me things about us, but I don't remember these things." He says.

"Well it's just a dream. And dreams aren't real." I say and I watch his face fall.

"Yea. I guess they aren't." He says and he starts coughing. I grab water quickly and hand it to him. He drinks it and when he is done he is out of breath. He is wheezing and his lungs sound awful.

"How long have you been like this?" I ask him.

"I escapes a tribe a blues and I was like this there. I barely got out and I had no time to try and get medicine. I've been camping out in the woods, afraid they would find me." He tells me slowly. I nod and tell him to get some sleep.

When chubs gets back I put together the fire and remember the first time I used my powers it was like who was with me. He was so proud of me and it was the first time in a long time that I felt loved, welcomed.

Chubs put together some natural medicine and wakes Liam up to take it. He says it tastes like cat piss but drinks it anyways.

"You ok?" Chubs asks me.

"Definitely." I say in a sarcastic tone. "No. The first time I purposefully used my powers was with liam and he was so proud of me and now I think about if I use them in front of him now, he would be scared of me." I open up truthfully.

"That's not true-" he tried to tell me.

"It is! You wouldn't want to be close to someone who is a red and you know it! They are all messed up. I'm messed up." I say and chubs shakes his head.

"And another part of Liam, is trying to get him to remember. He says I tell him about things we did in his dreams." I explain and chubs face shows pain.

"Than maybe tell him the truth?" He suggests and I shut that down immediately.

"No." I say and chubs sighs. He falls asleep but I can't. Not with knowing the love of my life is next to me but doesn't know me.

Chubs wakes up a few hours later and tell me to sleep. I do. I climb a tree and sleep in it for the night. Hopefully to get away from Liam but he haunts me in my dreams.

Ok, well another short chapter but we are getting somewhere.

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