Chapter 8

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Chapter song is choke by one republic.
(Chubs POV 1 month ago)

It was a restless night the whole night. I couldn't shake the feeling that Genevieve was out there alone, without us, and hurting.

I remember the nights we stayed her perfectly. She almost drowned , she showed us her powers, we found east river. One of those decisions was the worst decision I've made in my life. I wouldn't be where I am if we didn't find out where east river was. We would be together. Safe.

I felt like as soon as I was asleep I was awake. I got out of the bed and got ready. I took a shower which was nice and I made my way down the halls. As I did I swear I could hear zu's laughter in the halls and I could smell Genevieves cooking.

Although her cooking consisted of just putting a few chips and stuff on plates and 'serving' it, it was still cooking to us. I walked into the kitchen to see Liam made us breakfast. It was some granola bars and a peanut butter jelly sandwich.

"Nice breakfast lee." I said to him. He looked up at me startled and then laughed. "Yeah well you need some protein, your not living up to your name chubs!" He replied back.

I laughed this off and dove into the food. He watched as I finished the mela if you could even call it that. "So, I thought about what you were saying yesterday." He mentions to me nonchalantly. I just look at him.

"Oh yeah?" I ask timidly. He nods.

"Yeah. I want to find Zu. It doesn't have to be now. But like in the next year I want to hard to cali to find her. I want us to be our group again." I cringed when he said 'our group'. He has no idea about our actual group.

"Yeah, me too." I say to him but not in the nicest tone.

"I also thought about the girl." He mentions like it's no big deal but I can tell it's bothering him. "I feel this connection to her an-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Liam! You said it yourself, She looked like she wanted to stay. She is the whole reason she is in it, she Can her herself out!" I snap at him. "You can't help everyone you meet Liam!"

He looks taken back and he looks away from my gaze and pretends to be interested in his shoes.  "I was just gonna say that I had this weird dream about her."

"What?" I'm taken back by this. Maybe he is getting his memories back.

"I've been getting them with her in it for a while but I didn't know who she was. Maybe it's just my conscious being guilty for not offering to help her." He whispers.

"What was the dream?" I ask him with shakiness in my voice.

"We were at some national park, she was in a clear spring, and I was teaching her how to swim. She said she never learned, but she wanted me to teach her. She was really bad at it-" he pauses to laugh.

"- but she learned really fast." He concludes. I feel tears in my eyes. His memories are trying to come back to him. I can't tell him though. It's not my place and it's not the time. Maybe it if we find her it will help with his memories. She can't undo it. She said it isn't possible.

"That's weird. Maybe it is your conscious." I said and he nods in agreement.

"Hey, we need to stop in town to see what's going on, ok?" He asks me and I agree with him. We need to find out what's going on with Cole and I know he is worried about him. I know they aren't close at all but I know he still cares deep down.

"I was thinking about that. We should head into town later today, get some essentials, check the news, and then we can come back here for a few days. We shouldn't stay any longer or it will draw suspicion." I tell him as I head up the stairs.

I walk into my room and shut the door. I slide down it and let some tears out. I don't like to cry and I always try to hold them in but it's so hard these days. I was so close to giving up on finding Liam and Genevieve and just when I think I'm close to it I just end up being farther.

Liam won't ever be the same Liam because Genevieve changed him for the better, then took heralded away from him. She was the most important thing in his life and yet she ruined him without even knowing it, and I will most likely never get Genevieve back.

With knowing what she is the league is probably breaking her at the moment, using her in ways she doesn't want to be used, and worse. For all we know she is dead because she is so selfless.

I walk over to the floor board and rio it up to reveal her stuff. I look at it and it makes me so mad. She was so careless. She left all this stuff behind for him to find and he would have been so confused.

I look at it and it makes me so sad at who we were a year ago and now look at us. We are all so broken and scared. I can't bend begin to know when Zu is feeling. We promised we would come and find her and we haven't. She probably thinks we forgot her.

She doesn't even know half of the stuff that is going on with us all right now. It makes me cry even harder. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Liam knocks on the door. I quickly put the board back and wipe away my tears. I open the door to a worried looking Liam.

"We need to head out soon if we want to make it back before sunset." He says to me and I nod. I grab the keys from my pocket and head out to the truck. We hop in and it's about a 7 minute drive into town. When we get into town it's crowded with people protesting and news crews.

We park in a abandoned parking lot and walk over to a abandoned store. We walk in and take all the stuff we need. Liam stuffs his backpack and we walk back to the car. I put my pack in the car whereas Liam liked to keep his on him. I don't blame him for being so scared.

He has been living in and out of old home and living in the woods for the past few months. We walk into the town and try to stay out of the crowds but we are pulled into them. Me and Liam try to stick close together but we end up being separated.

"Liam?!" I yell but it's no use. I can barely hear myself over the noise and he isn't in sight.

I walk around nervously and look for him. I hear a bug commotion so I head towards it. When I get close enough I can hear what the people are saying.

"It's a boy!"

"He is the brother?!"

"He's a kid!" I hear multiple shouts.

When I get closer I can see people surrounding lee. He looks so scared and he can't seem to keep his focus. He must be remembering the night his brother was dragged away to be killed.

"LIAM!!" I yell over the crowd. He looks for me and when he meets my gaze I mouth the words "run, run as far as you can, I'll find you!" He must hear me because he does. He takes off and people chase him but they aren't as fast.

I then turn around and head to the car. When I'm in a head back to the house hoping he would run there. When I get there I wait for an hour before I realize he isn't coming. I've lost him again and this time I have no one to blame but myself.

I start to drive around and I drive close to the forest. I call into the forest "Liam?!" I hoping to get a response but I get none. I do this till it gets dark so I pull off onto a side road and i try to sleep but it doesn't come till late in the night.


Sorry for the long wait and for not posting as often! Bear with me and please give feedback! Don't be a silent reader!

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