Chapter 9

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Mad at you is the song chapter by Noah Cyrus

I get back from boxing and Im angry. Cole isn't in the room and that's a good thing because I don't know how I would've reacted if I had seen him. I skipped dinner and didn't shower.

I change quickly and lay down. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep but it was worth a try, and just when I was about to fall asleep and thought Cole wouldn't return, he did.

"Genevieve?" I hear him call out. I don't respond, I act like I'm asleep. "She's asleep, you can go now. Nothing I can't handle." He says and whoever was with him, I'm guessing a guard, left.

Honestly I surprised they even let him come back here. He walked over to the bed and he kissed the top of my head. This was normal and I didn't realize how much I missed our normal until now.

As soon as he is away from me I sit up and smacked him upside the head. "You idiot!" I scream at him. He looks taken back and I watch as his features darken.

"Don't you dare hit me!" He snaps.

"You promised!" I say brokenly. I let the tears fall, I'm tried of acting ok. I'm not okay and I never will be. I'm so broken beyond repair.

"You promised me you would be back! You promised. And you broke that promise you ass!" I yell as I hit his chest, and like always, he stops me and pulls me into a hug.

I try to fight him but give up and just fall weak. He holds me and and just hushes me. He lets go and I pace the room.

He grabs my wrist and looks me in the eyes. "Your so skinny! Your literally skin and bones." He says. I pull my wrist away.

"You have no idea what I have been through! I went through hell and back!" I say. He doesn't look me in the eyes.

"Tell me." He says. It's so quiet I almost don't hear it.

"What?!" I ask him like he is crazy.

"Your right, I don't know, so tell me." He says like it's that simple.

"Fine! Imagine your best friend....your, second, favorite person wants to go somewhere, like a vacation. They tell you when they will be back and that they will see you soon so You say your goodbyes. Then, when it comes time for them to be back, you haven't heard from them and they don't return. They go missing!

"You start to worry for them, you lose sleep, you stop eating, and you can't even take care of yourself. Then! Not only do they go missing but they show up as being kidnapped! They have been taken, and on top of all of they they put out that your friend will be killed within the next month! You know all of this and yet you can't do a single damn thing! Ok?! You understand that!?" I yell at him as the tears fall down my face.

He doesn't look up at me or answer me so I sit there being silent.

"Cole......I had to be watched when I ate my meals. I couldn't eat alone, I had to stop training all together. It got better but it has been worse before. You promised me you would be back, and not only did you break that promise, you almost got killed. I already lost one of you, do you know what losing both of you would've done to me?

"I became anorexic. I couldn't sleep at night. Do you see these bags under my eyes? They aren't just from crying, or one nights worth of sleep loss, no. It's from months on months worth of loss of sleep. You didn't contact us like you said you would. You bring Liam. Into this! And on top of everything, you show back up and I have to interrogate you. I didn't get the, "hey gem. I'm back, missed you so much!" Speech. No. I got the "Genevieve? I need you to interview Cole for me." Speech from Alban.

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