Chapter 5

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(The chapter song is Heal by Tom Odell)

GENS POV (3 months ago)

After the whole lighting Liams shirt on fire incident, Cole hasn't brought him up. I was glad about that. I didn't have to worry about another shirt of his being practically blown up.

I was getting ready for bed when Cole walked in. "Hey, I have a mission, I'm leaving tomorrow, help me pack?" He asked, and I of course agreed.

"What are you going on?" I asked him.

He gave me a look. "Top secret." He said in a playful voice, but I hated when he did that. I just wanted to know.

"Don't make me force it out of you Cole..." I started and he laughed.

"Ok ok! I'll be gone for a month..." as soon as he said that my heart dropped. A month?! I can do that, right?

When I didn't say anything he continued. "I'm going undercover at Leda Corp. I have to download data onto a flash drive and then bring it back." He said. I didn't say anything. I was afraid I would ask to go with him or ask him to stay if I opened my mouth.

"And there is one more thing." He said. That made me look at him. What else could there possibly be.

"I'm going home. After I get the flash drive I'm taking it to where mom and Harry are, I'll upload it onto a server for the league just so if anything happens to the drive, I have it uploaded on something...." he told me.

Cole, going home? Will lee be there?

"Will Liam be there?" I asked him. He shook his head no. I sighed in relief. Ask me why? I don't know. It made me feel better knowing he wouldn't be seeing Cole. I knew how they didn't get along.

"No, I've been in contact with my mom. She said he shouldn't be there. She said she hasn't spoke to him in a while." He told me.

"Ok, let's get you packed, a month you said?" He nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be at Leda for 23 days, then I'll be a week at home, then here. I promise it will only be a month." As he said that I hoped he would keep it.

. . .
(2 months ago)

It's been hard without Cole and we haven't heard anything from him, but he is coming home today. I cleaned out our room and I made a banner saying welcome home. It was silly, I know, but I missed him.

I was getting ready when I heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" I said. Cate walked in. She smiled at me but it went away when she saw the banner.

"Is it bad?" I asked her. She shook her head no.

"Sit down." She said. I knew this was serious if she told me that. I did as I was told and watched her pace the room.

"We haven't heard from Cole, and you know that, right?" She asked and I nodded. She continued. "Well, I got worried and called his mom, he gave me her number just in case, and she said she hadn't seen him. He isn't coming home today. Or anytime soon by the looks of it." She said.

My heart dropped and I couldn't see. My vision was blurred with tears. "D-do you think it's just b-because he doesn't have the data?" I asked.

She shook her head no. I let the tears fall. She walked over to me and ran her fingers through my hair. She brushed it with her fingers and held me.

Vida walked in shortly after cate left, bringing Jude in tow. They just sat their and let talk. They didn't know why I was close to Cole, they just knew that I was. They hadn't ever seen a photo of Liam, and they didn't know they were brothers. I didn't want to tell them that either. That would just be weird.

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