Chapter 20

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Gens POV (love in the dark- Adele)

We set up another quick camp in the woods behind the gas station and right now we are stocking up on food and supplies.

I was in the corner of our little camp and I was set with all of our bags including chubs and Liam's. Packing them all with medicine, food, and clothes. We found bigger packs in the gas station and decided to use them.

We told whoever it was on the devise that we should be there in a couple days or tomorrow. However long it took us.

Silently crying in then corner while packing the bags I hear a crack behind me and I light my hand on fire. I turn and I see it's just Liam. Quickly I put the fire out and he comes closer.

"You gotta stop that." He says. I chuckle because he's right.

"Yea, well I do what I have to do to survive."  I tell him. He frowns when I say this and I close my mouth. "Liam, I don't wanna argue. Just go away. As soon as we are ready to leave I'll let you know. Well drop you off wherever you need and we'll be on our way." I tell him.

When he doesn't move I start to get up but he grabs onto me. The first time he's touched me since he found out. I look down at our arms then back to his face.

"I...uh..." he says. I sit back down and start to pack again while I give him a chance to say what he wants.

"I want you to know that it's your decision. If you want to leave and you think that it's best...then go. I...I can't hold you back again. I can't be the reason you have to stay." He says.

"It's finally my turn to let you go. I want to make it work so so bad. But I can't force either of us to do something we don't want. We can mold ourselves to be there for the other." He says.

The tears are free and the flow down my face. There are tears in his and he chokes up a few time. "You have no idea how bad I want to stay with you...I really want to...but I can't Liam. I have other poems that depend on me now." I say to him.

"Is cole one of them?" He asks me.

"Yes but not in the way your thinking. The only reason is because of you." I tell him.

He nods. I continue to pack and he just sits, keeping me comfort. "I really like you gen. I...I love you even. Okay? I have. I just didn't know. And I don't want to lose you. But I can't go with you." He tells me.

"I know Liam...and it's your choice too. I can't make you come with me." I tell him. He smiles sadly and comes to sit next to me. He pulls me into a hug and I cry into his shoulder. I feel tears hitting the top of my head and I know we both look so weird.

I pull back and we look into each other's eyes. I feel him lean in and I start to but I stop. I kiss him on the cheek because I know that we both aren't ready to kiss anymore.

"Show me more of your powers." He says. I smile. "When you...erased my memories...when they came back, everything is still fuzzy." He says.

"Well, for starters. You and Zu used to use me as a heater, all though I'm pretty sure you used it as an excuse to cuddle me." I say laughing at the memory.

"And the first time I used my powers, you were there to help me." I say. He smiled at me.

I focus on my hand the fire slowly makes it's way to my hand. I make a ball and float it into the air. He looks at it in awe and it makes me feel so special.

I lower it to my hand it and spreads up my arm to my elbow before I make it go out. "What the hell." He says but not in a mean way.

"I know." I say. He laughs, a genuine one too. I close my eyes and tell him to touch my arm. He does and I focus on heat. I open my eyes and he is staring at my arm where he is getting warm.

He hugs my body and sighs. "So warm.." he says. I chuckle and push him away. "Help me pack these bags and maybe I'll spare you some warmth." I tell him.

We finish up the bags within 30 minutes and I put them in the back of the car. I walk over to the tent to see Jude asleep and vida next to him trying too. Chubs is in the tent over and Liam makes his way over there. I follow him and when I open the tent he screams but I mind control him to shut up.

He shuts his mouth and stares at me with wide eyes. I put my finger To his lips and then stop entering his mind. "I. Promised you warmth." I told him.

He later down and I squished between him and chubs. Chubs woke up and saw me but didn't ask. He shook his head and rolled back over.

"What's the plan tomorrow?" He asked me.

"Where do you want dropped off?" I ask back.

"We will travel to wherever you go and then find a car to travel in. As far as I'm concerned we don't have anywhere we want to go. California but we will have to drive." Chubs says.

I nod. "Okay. We will leave at dawn and arrive there later at night. You sure you'll be okay on your own?" I ask. He nods. I say okay and turn to face Liam.

He is already looking at me and smiles when he sees me face him. "I'm gonna miss you." I tell me honestly.

"I just got you back and I have to let you go." I say. "I want you to make me a promise." I say to him. He nods.

"When you find Zu. I need you to let her know that I can't come see her. I need you to let her know that it's for the best and I'm keeping her safe." I tell him.

He looks like he doesn't want to be her agrees. "Ok." He whispers. He leans in and kissed my forehead. "I love you." He says and turns over. I sit there stunned and don't say anything.

When I'm sure he is a sleep I say "I love you too liam. I always have." And I drift to sleep.

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