Chapter 18

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Chapter song is traitor by Olivia Rodriguez

Gen POV:

I'm out of breath when the gas station finally comes into my line of sight. I slow and crouch down. There is a abandoned car in the back but I don't see movement.

I round to the front of the store and walk through the broken down doorway. My feet crunch on the glass and I stop. I look and listen but don't see or hear anyone else. I keep moving and once I'm off the glass I check all the isles.

I see a door at the very back that leads to another room. This isn't a gas station, it's a car repair shop. I walk to the back of the shop and open the door. It creaks open and I pause in my tracks. If anyone is here I'm dead.

After hearing nothing I step further in. I get my foot halfway through the door when it is smacked into me. I fall to the floor and lose my gun. I move my hands to my head and there is a cut on it.

"Shit sorry!" I hear Liams voice and my body goes limp. I don't need to do anything. He rushes over to me but stops once he gets close.

"Oh, it's you." He says and backs away. I stand up and he sees the cuts on my face. "Yea. It's me." I say coldly. I move to get a rag for my forehead and he doesn't stop me.

"Why did you follow me here?" He asks me.

"What do you think? You just ran off of course I'm going to follow you..." I say.

"I wanted to get away from them. Away from you." He says.

Ouch. That one hurt a lot.

"Yeah I can see that. But you could've gotten hurt, or killed. That is something I cannot have." I say to him.

"Why? The league need me alive or something darlin'?" He asks me. I scoff.

"You know, I have told you so many times. The league doesn't want you Liam. Lower your ego a bit and see for once that the league doesn't want you. They are done with you, chasing you, caring for you." I yell at him and he flinches.

"I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"Nope. I get it. Your right. The league never cared about me. And they sure as hell don't care about a screw up like you." He says to me and I feel tears in my eyes.

"I just came here because maybe for once someone actually does care. I may not need you alive for the league but I need you alive for me. I don't want anyone dying on my watch." I say to him bitterly.

"Sure. Like you care about me." He said sarcastically and I just rolled my eyes. I can't deal with him right now.

"Can we just go back now?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"No. I'm not going back with you." He says.

"Yes you are, let's go." I say to him.

"I'm not going back!" He yells.

"Look I get it you don't like me b-" I start to explain.

"Don't like you?" He laughs coldly. "God. All I can do is think about you!" He yells and is scares me.

"Your all I think about day in and day out! I feel it in my bones like I know you, it's like you've been carved into my heart and I don't know where from!"

"Liam your just confused!" I try to tell him.

"No, no no I...I know it deep down in my bones that it's wrong but...I can't sleep because you invade my mind and my dreams, when I close my eyes it you I see!" He says.

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