Chapter 3

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(This is still apart of the last chapter.)


I woke up in a room, but it wasn't mine, and I had no idea where I was. Slowly the events of earlier came to me. Or at least I think it was earlier.

I had no idea how long I had been out. My hands hurt and it must be from my powers. They didn't hurt like a burn, but more like arthritis.

I laid their for a while stretching my limbs and trying to work out the kinks of being in the same posture for so long. I eventually sat up and stood up.

I walked around the room trying not to snoop to much, but just enough to figure out whose room I was in.

I walked up to the desk and I felt hot tears in my eyes. Kill chart. Cole.

I'm in Liam and Coles old room. "No......" I said. I felt the tears go down my cheeks. I gripped the edge of the desk to stop myself from falling.

I looked on the wall opposite of me and saw photos of Liam. It was Liam and his family, Cole, Liams old friends from here. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I screamed.

I fell to the floor and cried. After a few minutes of crying, I pulled myself together and thought about all of this.

What am I doing in here. Why the hell would I be in his room.

Did he find his way back? Did they get him? Did Cole find him?

I was still on the floor when I heard voices coming through the door. "You shouldn't do this." I heard the familiar voice of cate say.

"I'm the only one who can help" said another voice and I didn't know them.

The door opened and in walked cate. And Cole was hot on her tail. I stood up and walked to the bed.

"Hi Genevieve. I'm Cole Stewart, and I'm gonna help you with your powers." He said to me. How could he help me?

"No, no! You stay the hell away from me!" I yelled at him. Cate stepped away from him so I could fully see him and I took that opportunity.

I lunged at him and started hitting his chest. "How could you!! How could you do that to him!" I yelled and I could see through the tears he was confused.

"How could you help me?! I don't want you, I want another red!" I said to him still hitting his chest. I felt arms pry me off and I knew it was cate. I couldn't hurt her.

I brushed her off and my hands heated up. I held them in front of me. "I hate you." I said to him.

"You don't even know me" he said to me calmly.

"Oh I know enough!" I said to him putting my hands farther in front to threaten him. He just smirked at me and that was enough. I tried to throw a fire ball at him but he ducked. He moved at me and grabbed me.

I started hitting him again. I couldn't see him as soon as I felt the pinch in my neck. I started to see stars and I went limp. I felt him lower me on the bed and tuck me in.

"Why me?" I said crying, my voice weak and Horace.

"I know..." I heard him say before I was out cold.


When I woke back up it was to someone brushing my hair. "Zu?" I asked. I opened my eyes and I saw cate.

I tried to move but it hurt. Probably from whatever they used on me.

"Shhh, it's ok!" Cate said to me. She helped me sit up and I saw Cole. He was watching me intently and I hated it.

Remembering. (LIAM STEWART x OC) Where stories live. Discover now