Chapter 22

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Gens pov.

As the plane starts to descend I go to talk with Liam and chubs. "Hey...are you guys sure you want to come with? You really don't have to." I tell them honestly.

As much as I would miss them, it's safer for them away from here.

"Positive." Liam speaks up after a beat. "As long as chubs is ok with it, chubs?" He asks.

"I'm down." He says but there is a grimace. I know he doesn't agree with them morally on a lot of things, like me and Liam, but I think he knows it may be the best option right now.

"What about Zu?" I hear Liam ask.

"We may be able to go after her once I get this flash drive to your brother." I tell Liam. I want to see Zu so badly. I promised her I would come and find her.

"Is that safe? On her end, I mean." He says. I nod. I can make it as safe as possible if they give me the chance.

"As long as you don't fuck this mission up, yes." I tell him. Chubs stands up and mutter something about checking the front of the plane out. We both nod and sit in awkward silence.

"I'm sorry." We both say at the same time.

"I'm sorry I took your memories and that I pushed you away." I tell him. He nods.

"Yea, I'm sorry that I pushed you out also. I didn't realize until your life was in danger that I didn't want to lose you. I can't lose you." He tells me.

I give him a sad smile and move to the seat next to him. I hug him and he hugs me back. I feel tears hitting my shirt and I start to cry along with him.

"I missed you so much Lee I'm so sorry." I sob into him. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted you to be happy." I say to him.

He rubs my back and just nods. He whispers that it's okay in my ear.

"Liam I love you." I tell him. He pulls back and looks into my eyes. "It's ok if you can't say it yet or ever to me I get it, but I just need you to know h-"

He cuts me off by kissing me. He pulls back and says, " I love you too Gen." I smile at the nickname and kiss him. I rest my head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head.

"I don't wanna to this." He says to me honestly.

"Me either. But you have an option out. I'm serious, if you wanna leave, you can. I don't want you to, but it's up to you and your best interest." I tell him.

"I'm doing this for you." He says to me.

"Don't do it for me. Do it for yourself. Chubs. Zu. If you start doing things in your life for me? Your life won't go the way you want it to. I don't wanna drag you down this hole with me liam. It's dark and scary down here and I don't want you to get stuck." I tell him.

"You won't. If we have each other, we will be fine." He says. I nod. I sit up and the plane touches the ground.

"Ok people, we will enter in the parking garage, but we will have to use one of the lower level entry ways if we want to go undetected or a better chance of less people." I say to the group.

"If the league has already been taken over, then we need to act quick, get to the others, and try to get them out. We will have to use force against Rob and his gang, and we will have to find the ally adults," I say.

"Who would that be?" They ask.

"Cate, cole, and Uhh, I think that's it." I say.

"Got it" Jude says.

"Why is my brother important?" Liam asks. "Don't get me wrong I don't want him dead but, why?" He asks.

"Because he is the only good person who has helped us." I say to him defensively.

"Good person?!" He asks like I'm ridiculous. "He is far from a good person." He says.

I ignore him. We all buckle up and I keep an eye on Clancy.

Vidas device starts to ring and she pulls it out.

"No way." I hear her say and I stand up to go where she is. "So it's safe?" She asks. She nods some then hands the phone to me.

"Hello? Gem?" I hear cole ask.

"Cole." I sigh a breath of relief. We haven't had contact with him for a minute and I was scared something happened. 

"We are on our way back with the flash drive. What's going on at hq?" I ask.

"As you know Rob tried to take over, but he didn't get away with it. We have it handled and everyone is ok." He says.

"I don't even wanna know what you mean by handled. We uh... may have some extra baggage. Meaning, we may have picked up a few people?" I say to him.

"Please tell me Liam is not with you." He says.

"You'll see when we get there!" I say and hang up. I walk back over to where Liam is after handing vida her devise back.

He takes a deep breath when I sit next to him and then he sighs. "I missed you so much." He mumbles into my shoulder.

I just nod in agreement. He smells like freshly cut grass mixed with a woody smell. I never realized that I missed his smell until now.

He kisses my hairline and when chubs exits the cockpit he gags at the sight. I chuckle and he sits across from us.

"Just because your back together doesn't mean I'm okay with this." He says with disgust and me and lee move to kiss each other just to bother him. He gags and gets up, moving to sit somewhere else.

I smile as we are back to the way it was before. "What did I miss while I was...unconscious." He chooses his words wisely.

"Not a whole lot. I'm the same me, just a little more broken and a little stronger. I uh, learned how to control my powers though." I tell him and he smiles.

"I remember when you first discovered what you are. and now you can control them? It's crazy. I wish I could have been there for you." He says. I nod, but really I wish he wouldn't have. He would have seen me so broke and lost.

"Can you do a trick for me?" He asks and I smile. When I snap there is a small flame, I make it snake it's way up my arm.

"Stop!" He yells and I panic. I stop the fire and look to make sure he isn't injured. He grabs my arm only to drop it.

"Shit your burning up!" He says. He tells me to show him my arm and I do so. "How are you not hurt?" He asks me.

"It comes with the territory." I tell him honestly. He nods but continues to tell me to flip my arm for him.

He finally grabs it once it's cooled off and checks me. "Your okay?" He asks. I nod. I'm more than okay now that he's here again. Now that I have him back.

"I'm going to be. Now that your back."

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