Chapter 19

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(Sorry for taking forever)

Gens POV

We walked into the store and have been sitting up against a wall for the past few minutes. I can feel his eyes on mine and when I look up it's like he is trying to memorize my face.

"Take a picture it will last longer." I say and his face turns a light pink shade.

"Well I did forget you against my will so I'm making up for lost time." He says back and it makes me grimace.

"Sorry, sorry." He says and I shake my head. "It's just... for me it's different. I keep thinking we can go back to normal." He says.

" we can!" I defend.

"No we can't. I-I need time. I can't just run back to you after what you did-"

"I told you why!" I say.

"-and I get your reason, but still. You hurt me and I can't just move on from that Genevieve." He says and it hurts because he never called me that before.

I nod my head and stand up. Just then an unknown tinted car pulls into the stations parking lot. I grab my gun from the floor and Liam stands up.

"What are-" but I cover his mouth. He licks my hand and I give him a look as if to say 'not the time'. He puts his hands up and follows my lead.

The people start to get out of the car and I see a gun so I shoot the door and barley hit it. I don't see any people yet but I see another gun. Two shots fire into the store and I duck down. Glass goes everywhere and they land on me and Liam.

I hear Liam cry out and my head flies to him. Panic sets in and I'm afraid he is hit. You can't leave me I just got you! I crawl over to him and see a few cuts but no wounds.

"Im ok, your ok." He says and I nod. I turn around to walk off but he grabs me ,"don't go, please" he says. I crouch down and keep my gun at the door. I watch at the people round the corner and I see it's Vida and chubs. I let out a breath and call out their names

They both lower their guns and come over to us. Jude gets out of the car and comes inside too. "You scared me shitless." I say to them and they agree with me on that.

"He Uhh, he knows." I say to chubs and he looks like he is gonna kill me.

"Why?" He asks me.

"He deserves to know." I say not going into detail. "And it was partially accident..." I say and look warily at Liam. He doesn't look at me though.

"Hey I need to talk to you." Vida says. I nod and follow her to the car. She pulls out a devise and I step back. "Where did you find that." I ask.

"I've had it. Cole gave it to me to keep in contact with  him and Cate. She told me I should meet her a this location." She shows me. I look closer at it.

"An abandoned Dairy Queen? Are you sure?" I ask and she nods. "But I'm skeptical. She didn't end it like she normally does. 'See ya later alligator'"

"That's not her then." I say.

"Who do you think then?" She asks me and I contemplate who else it could be.

"Cole?" I ask. She shakes her head. "He agreed to use her thing so we would know it's them. I think it  was hacked or intercepted by someone else."

"Cole was talking about how Rob and his group were planning to take over the league, do you think it's them?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"Nah. He's to dumb witted to do that. I think it was someone outside the organization. Or someone with connections." She says.

"Do you think... no it couldn't be. Never mind." I say.

But it could be him. "We can go scope out the area or we can head straight to the league. Your the boss, you make the calls." She says to me.

"Go to the location. If it's who I think it is, we could get some valuable information." I say.

"Who do you think it is exactly?" She asks me.

"That's not important. All you need to know is it's another orange so we need to proceed with caution. But...we need to talk with Liam, and chubs. I was told Liam can't come back. I don't want him too. But I can't exactly throw them out." I tell her. She nods.

"What are we gonna do with them then? Because I'm ok with ditching them right here right now and getting the hell out of here." She says. I shake my head at her and put my head in my hands.

"I don't know. We can ask where they are going or if they need dropped off anywhere and then leave." I say.

"You want him to stay, don't you?" Vida asks me. I nod slightly and only if you were looking close enough would you have seen it. She chuckles.

"Then ask them to come with us. We won't force them and disobey Cole, so what?" She asks me. I smile a little and look over to them.

"Ok." I say. "I'll give them the option."

We both walk over to them and Jude has already sparked a conversation, but when does he not?

"Hey, we need to head out soon..." I say. Liam looks up at me and it looks like he is disgusted.

"Why?! Why are you still with them?" He asks me. I feel anger rise in me not only because I've explained this but he won't ever understand it.

"I'm not doing this with you. Either you can come with us or we can drop you off somewhere." I say with hatred.

"We are not coming with you." He says.

"We can come with." Chubs says at the same time.

I look between the two of them. Chubs gives Liam a look and the decide that it's best to not come with us. I nod.

"Chubs, can I speak with you?" I ask and he nods.

"It's okay if you guys can't come. I get it, I really do. He had a bad run in with them and I know you won't leave him." I say.

"You think I want to leave you? That's why I want to come with you. I hate that your with them but you can't leave, so it's better we are all together than separate. I hate the league and I know you do too but, I would rather be with you." He says.

"I do hate them. Not vida and Jude and Cole, but everyone else." I say.

"Did something happen with you and Cole?" He finally asks me. I grimace as the thought of him trying to kiss me pops up in my head.

Chubs shakes his head and I know my face gave me away. "Don't hurt Liam. He may act like he hates you right now, but trust me he really likes you." He says.

"Nothing like that happened. But me and Cole are close." I say. He doesn't look like he believes me and he walks off.

"Ok guys we need to pack our things and stock up for the road!" I say and everyone starts moving again.

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