(Chapter 31)

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It's been three months since my miscarriage with Kelly, we haven't much thought about trying again yet, I wouldn't mind though I just don't want to make a decision Severide isn't comfortable with making with me.

"Hey I'm gonna get in the shower, shift starts in about an hour and a half. Feel free to join" Kelly says kissing the top of my head and walking into our conjoined bathroom.
I grab a pair of work clothes and place them on the bed and make my way out of the bedroom to our kitchen.
I throw together some breakfast for the two of us, he soon makes his way out of our shared bedroom down the hall to the kitchen with me.
"Smells good baby" he says over my shoulder stealing a piece of bacon off the pan
Instantly regretting that decision he drops the sizzling bacon back on the counter
"I was gonna say it's hot" I say chuckling
"Not as hot as you" he says grabbing my waist and kissing me.
"Mmm, idk you've never dropped me like that bacon" I say smirking and taking the bacon off the stove.
I bring the remaining breakfast to the table and sit with him while we begin eating.
"It's good" he says eating the bacon once it cools off
"Yeah I know, I cooked it" I say biting a piece of my own bacon
I notice Kelly looking towards the hallway
"What's wrong?" I ask him
He snaps his head towards me
"We haven't been away in a while" he says shoveling some eggs into his mouth
"What are you thinking" I ask looking towards him
"Maybe head up to my pops cabin for the weekend" he says looking for my facial expression
I stand to throw the rest of my breakfast away as he follows.
I turn towards him fix his squad jacket and kissing him.
"That sounds good, we would have to talk to Boden about taking off" I say as we hear a knock at the door
"We can talk to him once we get there" he says walking towards the door to answer
"It's your dad" he says opening the door
"Hhm weird" I say walking towards the door
"Hey severide, is Sophia her-" he cuts himself off once spotting me
"What's up?" I say leaning against the wall
"Are you on shift today?" He asks
"Are you?" I say
"Yes but what does that have to do with me?" He says confused
"We work the same shift." I say chuckling
"Oh yeah. Well I was wondering if maybe you could come over and watch your good ole siblings after shift, so me and your mother could go out?" He asks almost begging
"Yeah sure, in one condition!" I say holding up my finger
"I knew it! Go ahead spill" he says rolling his eyes.
"I get to eat the food in your house" I say rubbing my hands together
"You and food. Yes sure go crazy. We just need a break" he says throwing his hands in the air
"Sounds good" I say patting my dads shoulder and walking away
I walk to me and Kelly's bedroom to grab our station bags.
I meet Kelly back in the living room he's watching the tv intently.
I look over to see him watching the news specifically a reported house fire.
"Let's go, we need to get you back to running into burning buildings" I say rubbing his shoulders
He gets up and grabs our station bags from my hands and get to his car


"Severide!" Casey hollers from the apparatus floor.
Kelly turns to face a stressed looking Matt
"What's up?" Kelly says
"Did you know about gabby going to Puerto Rico?" He asks
"She's going to Puerto Rico?" I ask
"Yeah some project to help victims down there from the hurricane" he says
"How long" Kelly asks
"She's saying temporarily for now but isn't sure how it will play out" Casey says
"This is a decision She's just made?" I ask
"She has mentioned it a while back but I didn't think much of it because of Louie" Matt says
"Well is it set in stone? When is she leaving?" I ask
"Tuesday." He says running his forehead
"Tuesday, as in three days from now?" I say

Truck 81, squad 3, ambulance 61 house fire 2132 foundry street. Occupants reported to still be inside.

"I don't know how this happened it just flashed" a guy started yelling towards chief as we arrived on scene
"Squad get me a primary search, engine get those cannons up and ready, don't charge until I say so, truck get me that aerial ladder up to the third floor bravo side window. Go!" Biden barks orders
"Herman, Capp. Your with me on the third floor, Cruz tony second floor we will make our way down from there, let's go!" Kelly says as we start throwing out packs on

"FIRE DEPARTMENT CALL OUT!" I yell while preforming my search
"Help*cough*" I hear a fragile voice
I pull my mask off so they can hear me better
"Keep talking I'm gonna find you" I yell
"HERMAN GET YOUR MASK BACK ON" I hear severide yell from behind me
"I found someone!" I yell
"PUT YOUR FUCKING MASK ON" he yells once again.
I carry on ignoring him.
"Keep calling" I say as I walk closer to the noise with my tic camera
I find the person crouched behind a bed
"I got them!" I yell as I see severide come up behind me
"Get your mask on now and get them out." He says handing me my mask pissed
I pull my mask on and climb out of the window to meet kid who helps me with the kid
"I'll be back" I tell her returning to severide who continues searching.
"Severide I need an update, we don't have much time." I hear Boden over the radio
"Third floor cleared, I have Cruz and tony down on second floor, copy Cruz?" Severide says
"Copy lieutenant, we are almost complete our second floor search." Cruz says
"Copy! Boden we are moving to first floor and basement" Severide says as we start moving to the basement
"Copy you have no more 4 minutes, no more!" Boden says
"Copy Cruz tony take the first floor, we are taking basement" Kelly says as we make our way down the basement stairs
"Copy that!" Cruz says
"Clear!" I yell from one side of the basement
"Clear" Capp says from the other side
"And clear" Severide says from the other side
"First floor clear lieutenant, making our way out now!" Cruz relays from the radio
We make our way back out of the building just in time for our tanks to start warning us about low air.
Casey comes up to me with a bottle of water.
"Looks like you need it" he says handing it over
"I took my mask off, I think Severide is upset" I say drinking some water.
"Well your not supposed to do that at all but What makes you think that?" Casey asks
"Because he's storming towards up" I say pointing towards him.

A/n: hey guys sorry for the really Unacceptable delay in updating chapters. I've been really busy and my interest for writing just isn't much there. But I'm gonna get back into it once things calm down a little more. I also want to apologize for the cringe dialogues in my previous chapters, I'm growing and getting better at writing. Any who I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I will be updating more hopefully tonight.

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