(Chapter 38)

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Squad 3, battalion 25, ambulance 61. Assisted Rescue 1228 halst ave

"Let's roll yall!" I say jumping in the truck
"What's got you so happy.?" Capp asks
"I got a good sleep." I say pulling my coat on.
They all exchange looks between each other
"So screwing severide is sleep now" Cruz laughs
"What? Nah that was in the showers" I say and they fake gag.
"Did you see Otis and kat-" Cruz stops mid sentence as I look over to Kelly
This morning Kelly's half sister who is bennys child but from another mother, they met sometime a couple days ago and she came to the firehouse to cook us up some lunch. Otis and her had hit it off and he was flirting with her big time. Although Kelly hasn't noticed it yet, it won't be long until he figures it out.

"Capp, Herman. stabilize this car. Cruz and Tony get that underpass clear of anything." Severide says as we start pulling tools out of the truck.
"Lieutenant, I got most of the cars clear from the underpass but there are more coming up the road." Cruz says pointing down the road
"Chief can you make a call to CPD to get a patrol down on the roads to stop traffic" Kelly asks
Chief nods
"Battalion 25 to main."
"Go ahead battalion 25!" The operator says
"I need patrols down at my location to control traffic"
"Copy battalion 25"
"Get that patient out of there severide" chief says looking at the concret rumbling under them
"Got it chief." Kelly says running over to grab harnesses and rope
"Hermann! Over here!" Severide yells
I run over to him
"I'm sending you into that car, your the only one who'll fit" he says throwing me a harness
I pull it on and he tightens it around my waist before securing his on.
"Cruz, Capp. Your on harness. Tony you stay close we are going to hand you the patient." Severide says
"Copy" they say and get to work
"Center punch" I say to severide who hands me one out of his turnout pants
"taking glass!" I shout
"Going in!" I say as severide helps me in
"Let me know if you need anything, is something feel unsafe. Bail." Severide says
"Yes lieutenant" I say getting through the window
"Hey sweetheart, my name is Sophia. I'm gonna get you out of here" I say and the girl nods
"C-collar." I say and Kelly hands me own through the window
"I'm going to put this around your neck alright?" I say and pull it around her neck before securing it.
"I'm gonna secure this harness onto you so that I can pull you out of here to my friend severide over there" I say
I secure the harness onto her as I start to pull her out of the window.
"You got her"
"I got her"
"Good grip?" I ask
"Yes." Severide repeats
"Alright pull us up." Severide says
"Alright here we go" I say unhooking her and giving her to tony
"Good work." Severide says patting my back
"I know." I say smiling and going to help out stuff away.

"Main to squad 3" we here the radios go off as we finally get into the squad.
"Dispatched to 347 trainville rd, house fire-unknown causes"
"Copy. Squad 3 in route" severide says

"Primary search conducted, house is clear." Severide says as we get out of the house
"Copy lieutenant!" Boden says and turns to my dad
"Get these lines charged." He says and my dad nods and starts directing his crew.
We get the house fire out after about 25 minutes. We head back to the firehouse we're we see Katie walk in while talking and flirting with Otis
I look over at severide who studies them with a questioned look
I shrug my shoulder not wanting him to make an issue bigger right now
"So I was thinking chicken Alfredo, garlic bread and a salad." Katie says removing the groceries from her bag and placing them on the table
"As long as your making them, I'm sure it's going to be amazing." Otis says and Kelly gives him a tested look.
"Thankyou Otis" she blushes
"Relax" I say rubbing Kelly's shoulder and walking to the locker room.
"Were they flirting in there??" Kelly questions
I guess he followed me
"I'm not sure Kelly. I haven't flirted in a while." I say putting some more deodorant on.
"I think they were." He says turning around going to walk out
I grab the back of his collar and he turns around.
"What?" He asks
"You know I love you right?." I say to him
"Yes. I love you too baby" he say kissing me
"And you know I don't need you punching Otis right?" I say and he rolls his eyes
"Yes, I know. Maybe it's some mindless flirting" he says shrugging his shoulders
"Exactly" I say
"Let's go, time to run drills" Casey says walking in and disrupting our conversation

We begin our drills, today we are working on ways to conduct a faster RIT protocol
I geared up fully carrying the rit bag behind me
"Alright severide is done. Let's get him" Casey says
I run up to him and start hooking up the rit pack to him
I hope this never has to happen I'm not sure how I feel about severide not responding to me
"Alright now let's get him up" Casey says as Cruz comes up behind me to help him.
Cruz pulls severide up by his legs while im on his upper body
"Up" I say
"Up" Cruz says and we get Kelly up
As we start running with severide in our arms Cruz begins to drop him
I try to help him get his grip back but he loses it. Kelly falls and them "wakes up" after being dropped
Kelly goes to get up on his knees.
I have my arms out to help him up
He regains his balance on one knee and grabs something out of his pocket
"Hurry up Kelly, it's a drill. Other people need to do drill too" I say as I notice what he's doing
"No! Wait what, Kelly!" I say
He pulls out a little black box
"Sophia, you brought we out of many dark holes. You helped me through everything and you've always been there for me. I want to be there for you 100% all the time. I want to start a family, I want to grow together and I just couldn't think of someone I want to be with more then you. Sophia hermann. Will you marry me?" Kelly asks

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