(chapter 25)

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I wake up to a bunch of beeping noises, I look over and see a doctor and then I remember everything that has happened last thing I remember is people yelling when I finally was above water

"Welcome back ms, I have some quite exciting new for you today" the doctor says

"Finally some good news for this terrible day, shoot?" I say and he nods
"Well we've done blood work to find out your about 2 days pregnant" the doctor says

"Severide!" I groan

"What?" The doctor asks

"Oh sorry Kelly severide he's the last person I had slept with in almost 4 months" I say and he nods

"Are you a firefighter?" He asks

"Yeah, what gave up that idea?" I ask

"You came in wearing you cfd diving suit, so I just figured" he says

"Okay is my baby healthy?" I ask

"Certainly" he says just as another doctor walks in and greets me and the other doctor

"I'm doctor cateria, and I will be performing a DNA test to see who your baby belongs to in request by your father" dr. Cateria says sitting down in a chair and scooting closer to me and injecting a needle into my arm

"Okay oh ouch that hurts a little" I say

"Yeah it's because it's a thick needle instead of a thin one"

"Wait arnt you supposed to be taking blood instead of putting in something" I say and start to pass out

"Lets just say No one will find you" the doctor whispers to me and I completely lose consciousness

I'm sitting in bed watching tv although none of my focus is on the tv it's all in my head thinking about sophia, is hermann going to be pissed? Well he already is! Will something happen to our baby? Is there the possibility that the baby isn't mine? Oh no maybe the baby isn't mine, oh I'd be so heartbroken, I want a child and if it's with anyone it would be with sophia, but what would that mean for our jobs? We can both be on squad and have a relationship, she loves being on squad, come on severide stop killing yourself over this, everything will pan out

Just then a doctor walks into my room
"Hello mr. Severide, we are here to take your blood" he says and I nod just as he starts injecting something into me
"Hey your supposed to take my blood not injecting stuff into me" I say trying to push him away but i become weak and I pass out


"I'm going to check on sophia" i tell everyone as a ms.Goodwin walks out

"Christopher, I want to sincerely apologize in advanced for what my doctors found out" she says

"What happened?" Chief boden speaks for everyone

"Both sophia and Kelly have been taken out of the hospital and are nowhere to be found we are currently on the phone with Chicago police department and the hospital is on lock down, there isn much else we can do at the moment though" she says

"You've got to be kidding me!" I say

"No I'm sorry, but we found out what they drugged Kelly and sophia with" she says

"And what's that" I say crossing my arms

"All I can tell you is its a drug sold on the black market, police can pull up logs of people who have bought it" she says and I nod

"How'd your doctors know they where missing?" I ask

"Well earlier last night we received call from a hospital in California saying that they where sending some training doctors here and they came in saying that they'd take Kelly's and sophia's blood for the DNA test then when doctors went around to do their check up on how Sophia was doing because we needed to monitor her pregnancy to make sure nothing went down hill and she wasn't there so they went to check if another doctor took her to severides room they saw him missing as well" she explains

"Oh my Lord, so help me your doctors where irresponsible and didn't check monitor them, doesn't every patient get a bracelet that monitors them to let doctors know where they are at all times? What happen there?" I said pissed

"Please calm down alright it wasn't my doctors faults, there bracelets where found in the trash cans in there rooms" she says

I wake up in a attic as I look around I see Kelly
"Kelly! Kelly! Are you awake?" I ask
"Yes! are you okay?" He asks
"I think so" I say looking at my self
"Are you okay?" I ask
"Yeah I'm okay" he says

"Goodmorning firefighters, I've come to say thankyou for staying at hotel james" the guy says walking closer to us

"James, why are you doing this?" I ask

"Because sophia you chose this man over me, your really naughty fucking your lieutenant in his office" he says getting closer to me

"What are you talking about I'm not fucking him" I lie

"Dont play coy sophia, I remember the whole squad table talking about how his blinds where closed and and y'all were probably fucking, while I sat there having to take what there were saying and fake laugh

"So you try to kill me while on a call" I ask

"Yeah but your firefighter buddy's got you up" he says with a knife in hand

"Whats with the knife" Kelly asks

"I want to torture sophia, make her feel what I felt" he says

"What the fuck dude! You abused me tryed to kill me finally I was able to run away and get married to a man who cared" I say to him as he grabs Kelly

"Ahhh mr. Fireman, I guess this slut likes your dick! I mean she liked mine so I guess she really is just a slut" he says

"Shes not a slut your just a dick" Kelly says

"Let us go!" I say with force

"No can do, babygirl" he says stroking my face

"If you don't take your hand off of me I'll turn your whole body inside out with my bare hands" I growl at him

"Oh, I'm scared, forget that your tied up?" He asks

"I'm going to get out of here and you will done with" I said motioning my arm across my neck in a slicing action to symbolize death on him

"Right that if you done fry to death you might be firefighters but if your trapped what can you do?" he asks with a devilish grin

"What do you mean?" I ask

"I'm going to set this joint on fire once I'm satisfied that I've done enough to you" he says putting the knife to my arm and cutting down

"Holy shit" I say through gritted teeth

"sophia!" Kelly whispers in a low tone trying to scoot closer to me

"I'm good" I say look in at him

"Not for long, for the mean time let make a video to send to the firehouse and police department" he says and brings a camera in on a cart


Hello, fellow first responders who I have here is sophia Hermann ad Kelly severide both firefighters at Chicago fire department as who am I?, well I guess you'll just have to find that out, but that's not why were here" he says and starts chuckling at the camera

"Well let me tell you this! Each hour I'm going to cut sophia a little more everywhere, untill you guys can find them severide will sit here and watch his sex buddy die slowly. And in 24 hours I will be setting this house up in flames! Sadly you won't know if it does because we are out of Chicago far far away and you guys won't get the call" he says coming over to me and slicing my other arm...

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