(Chapter 37)

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"Are you okay to work today Sophia?" Boden asks me
"Of course. I wouldn't be here otherwise." I say
"Don't make me bench you today. You've been aggressive lately. I don't want you to put yourself or others in danger." He says sternly
"I will behave best I can boden" I say
"I know things are going on. I know how you feel about the situation last night. But that's off shift issues. They are to be dealt with off shift" he says nodding
"I get it, I'm sorry for shoving you last night" I say and he moves it off
"If all you'll do is shove me. Compared to what I've seen you do, then don't worry about it" he says chuckling
"That all?" I ask
"Yep. Roll call in five gather everyone" he says I nod and walk out to gather everyone.

"As you all may know, Dawson will be leaving to take her part time position in Puerto Rico. Her last shift is going to be cut in half. Instead of 12 hour it will be six then we will have a temporary paramedic until we find someone to fill the spot" boden informs us as I look over at casey. I walk over from my standing position with Kelly to go sit with Casey and pat his back
"It gets easier, she may be back. Keep that hope but no too much of it because there a chance she isn't" I say and he nods thanking me
"Alright everyone. One more thing. We are going to be having someone come in to fill in for Kidd on truck while she's recovering" he says looking over at me
"Until further notice that's all for right now. Now we are going to run some drills so lieutenants, direct your crews" boden says as they all nod
We all leave and begin our drills
"Severide, let's help truck throw some ladders." I say pointing toward Casey
I start pulling up an extension ladder up against the building. Otis climbs up it.
"Good now Otis take it down. Cruz you climb up Otis deploy" Casey says watching everyone do their drills.
Soon after we are all complete our drills

Ambulance 61, squad 3, person down-I know causes. 0 corner of Springfield ave

"Why are they calling us?" I ask Kelly as we arrive there
"Unknown causes." He says pulling his helmet as me hop out of the truck.
"It looks like complications to the heart, I have a pulse but it's slow" Gabby says looking at him
"So it's a heart attack?" I ask
"Look at his skin, it's pale almost green" I say over her shoulder
"You guys heard of that disease over seas. Covid?" Gabby asks
"Yes" I say stepping away from the body
"Brett let's bag him and get him loaded up" she says working on him
"Alright let's go" she says as Brett get in and they drive away
"Oh my- I'm washing my hands" I say grabbing some wipes and sanitizer out of the truck
"Everyone get some, no COVID for us" I say giving everyone some hand sanitizer
"I doubt it's here" Kelly says
"Yeah you'll die first from it now" I say pointing toward him
"Wanna kissss" he says walking up to me
"As temping that is!" I say and jump into the truck with Capp
"Crazy" he says
"Hell yeah" I say and tony coughs
"Tony fuck off." I say and he laughs
"Don't get me sick" I say rolling down the window
"Never" he says laughing

"Kelly, what if it's actually here" I say looking at him while he is doing work in his office
"What is here?" He asks looking up from us paper work
"That disease" I say feeling my heart drop
"Do you know how many people have died from that. What if we die" I babble to him
"Relax I don't think it's here. Anyone can get sick from anything, gabby just mentioned it" he says chuckling
"I have a weird feeling" I say getting up and walking out to make food
I pass the tv and everyone is watching
"CDC has conducted studies showing that the infectious diseases called 'COVID-19' is indeed active in United States at this point, most likely from travel." The news reporter says
I walk right back into Kelly's office
"Bitch. I told you!" I say as he was looking at his phone.
"I see it on my phone. We will be fine Sophia" he says putting his phone down and continuing paperwork
"Whatever, I'm taking a shower and getting this off" I say walking out to the showers
"This is bullshit" Brett says
"Are you scared too?" I ask
"No. I'm talking about my watch. It won't go on" she says
"What are you scared of?" She asks as I undress myself to get in the shower.
"Covid-19" I say getting in
"I'm sure you'll be fine"
"Everyone is saying that" I say washing myself
"Yeah maybe I'm being dramatic" I continue
She chuckles and walks out
I feel the curtain get pulled back
"Kelly severide" I say in a low tone turning towards him
"I can't join you?" He asks wrapping his arms around me
"We are at the firehouse" I say smacking his arm
"They won't hear us" he says
"They won't hear me, they might hear you though." I say grabbing at his crotch and rubbing at me
"Mmm" he moans out

"I'm tired" I complain to Otis from the kitchen who is cooking
"Then go take a nap" he says
"Capp is in there. He snores like a bitch" I say rolling my eyes
"Take a nap in severide office" he says
"Good idea, thankyou" I say walking to Kelly's office
"I'm taking a nap" I say jumping onto his bed

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