(Chapter 14) kick whos asses?

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Me and shay are hanging out in the common room eating ice cream when mouth walks in
"That's where all the ice cream goes" he says
"Yup all ours" shay says cuddling the carton of ice cream to her chest
"Hurry up and eat some before Otis and Cruz get here they will chase us for it" shay says eating some and I laugh
"Yeah hurry because there coming" gabby says coming in with her bag and Louie
"LOUIE want some ice cream I won't tell you mom" I say looking at Dawson
"Shushhhh?!" He asks pouting a finger to his mouth and I nod
"Shushhh!" I say to him
"Okay" he says coming over taking my spoon and eating ice cream
"Thanks" gabby says chuckling
"Let him live be a kid" I say laughing
"I agree me and Kelly always eat ice cream specifically this kind" she says pointing to the cookies and cream ice cream while having a mouthful of ice cream
"Kelly mustn't have thought you manners about talking with your mouth full" Herman jokes from the coffee machine
"And yet how do you tell all 200 of your kids manners?" She says then me and my father laughs
"It got Easier after child 3" he says
"I'm child one I'm the best one out of all of them"I say raising my spoon in the air
"Sure right now I like Annabelle the most she's so sweet" he says smirking knowing he's kicking my knees
"Kiss my ass" I say and shay laughs
"Ask Kelly to" Herman says stifling a laugh
"Sophelly! Fits like a glove" shay jokes
"What's sophelly? Never mind I don't want to know" I say walking to the locker rooms to get changed

I get there and I strip off my clothes and baddy walks in and starts getting dressed as well
"Seems like your dad doesn't like sophelly!" Gabby says shrugging her shoulder
"Right well he can shove it" i say pulling on my shirt
"Wow your a go getter" she says putting on her pants
"He shouldn't have said that!" I say pulling my pants up and putting my belt on
"Said what? I didn't hear him say anything" she says then I remember how loud it was when he said that
"I said kiss my ass and he said ask Kelly to" I explain to her and she stops what she's doing
"Good thing Kelly wasn't here when he said that it would have been embarrassing" she says
"It was embarrassing for me I screwed things up with him I don't know how to fix them" I says putting my hair in a pony tail
"Just talk to him" she simply says
"Easier said then done Dawson" I say to her
"Worth a shot right" she says looking at me and putting her belt on
"I guess but did you here there is going to be a new guy on squad" I say and she nods
"Yeah I heard he came from firehouse 13 the same one shay came from two years ago but shay says she doesn't know him..." gabby says closeting her locker with me doing the same
"Yeah I guess that'll be fun more people to make fun of me because I'm the only girl on squad but little do they know I'm always ready to kick there asses" I say chuckling and Kidd walks in
"Kick who's asses?" She asks going to her locker
"All of squad and the new guy" I say to her
"New guy, no one mentioned anything to me!" She says getting dressed
"Everyone is talking about it" I say and she nods
"Come on girls time for roll call and meeting" Borden yells in
"Coming" we all say as Kidd finishes getting dressed

You guys go I'm going to get my phone for lieutenants headquarters" I say to them and they nods and I run to me and Kelly's office and I grab my phone and I see his jacket he must be in the conference room with everyone else...

I run to the conference and I see Kidd, gabby and shay all standing in front of the door
"Come on let's go" I say trying to move but they get in front of me
"You can't go in there" Kidd says
"And why's that?" I ask trying to push past them
"Because you won't like what you see" gabby adds in
"You guys are making me want to go in there and be nosy now" I say to then
"Promise me what you see won't get to you" shay says grabbing my arms
"We will be her along with everyone else to keep you safe" Kidd says
"Let me in so I can see" I say pushing gabby aside and going as soon as I do I see my ex boyfriend the guy I dated before I got married he tried to kill me when I said I couldn't stay with him anymore
"Oh my" I say and look back and see the girls and Kelly looking at me with concern
"Girl sit down please so we can begin" chief said
"Sorry" I say sitting next to Cruz who has now became my all time buddy
"Whats wrong with you?" Cruz asks leaning over
"Nothing I'm fine" I say convincingly
"Okay if you want to talk I'm here as well as Otis" he says pointing to Otis who sat next me to on the other side I look over and he waves

"OKAY EVERYONE, this is James Kenny he's the new guy on squad make him feel at home because that's where he's at" Boden says and we take roll call and everyone leaves

"Casey can me and the girls use your office to talk real quick?" I ask

"Of course" he says patting my shoulder

"Thanks" I say and I call all the girls into Casey's office

"What are we going to do what if he tries to hurt me?" I ask scared as fuck

"Tell Kelly he'll have him nailed to a wall" shay says

"No no, I can't depend on my lieutenant to take care of my issues" I says

"I would let boden know immediately" gabby says

"I can't what if he's a different person I'll just stay to myself and that's all" I say

"Be careful if we see anything suspicious we're calling Antonio and hank!" Gabby says

"Alright deal let's go before people notice" I say and we leave to go back to the common room

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