(Chapter 2) easy there tiger

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I get out of the shower and change into what Erin let me wear it's a really cute camouflage outfit it consists of a white shirt black ripped jeans and a camouflage jacket

:Sophia: I get out of the shower and change into what Erin let me wear it's a really cute camouflage outfit it consists of a white shirt black ripped jeans and a camouflage jacket  (Outfit)

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I brush my hair and my teeth and I put my black combat boots on.

"Erin why didn't you tell me you awesome style." I yell from the bathroom as she peeks in through the door " well I bought it then it just stood in my dresser for months because obviously you can't wear that kind of stuff to work." She says looking into the mirror. "All your life consists of is work like no night out on the town or anything what happened to you and Halstead?". I ask looking at Erin while I put mascara on. I see that she is tearing up. "Oh Erin I'm sorry If I would have known what happened then I wouldn't have mentioned it" I say turning my attention to her " yeah uh me and him broke things off because he was apparently still married to a woman" she says but it takes me by surprise and I choke on my saliva." Wait... what do you mean married to a woman what woman? when did he get married? Why wasn't I invited?" I say looking at her as she starts laughing from my expression. Well apparently he got married to a girl from when he was in Afghanistan and he got married while he was still there it was a Las Vegas type thing and I guess you weren't invited because neither me or you knew him at the time her name is "Abby halstead" she says

"I'm sorry I didn't know but wouldn't he know if he was still married why is it a surprise to him?"I say finishing my mascara

Well he thought he signed the divorce papers but he didn't then Abby came to him at work and talked to him and told him to meet her at Molly's to sign the papers when he agreed to meet her at Molly's. She just didn't bring the papers saying she "forgot" them. She says doing the air quotes for the word "forgot"

"What a bitch" I say talking about Abby

"Yeah well I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt" she says smiling

Ugh how can you get news like that and still be smiling and okay about it, jay better hope he doesn't see me!. I say walking out of the bathroom with Erin.

"Easy there tiger" she says laughing grabbing her gun and her phone

"I forgot my gun in the guest room" I say and turn to look at Erin to see her handing me my gun. I jump at the suddenness of her being infront of me. Erin just sits there and laughs

"Not funny at all" I say rolling my eyes

"Why don't you have an accent like your father?"She askes looking at me and I decide to play around with her a bit

"The accent is fake!" I say trying not to laugh at her sudden facial expression change.

"Wait really?" She says looking at me

"No I'm just playing" I say laughing

"I'm so gonna get you back" she says putting her jacket on

"Okay have fun planning that" I say as we walk out of the house to her car. We get in the car and make our way to the clothes store. We get to a red light and it turns green and I feel a semi truck ram right into the passenger side door were I'm at. Then I go unconscious

The light was red then green we go and I see a truck coming our way and I hear soph scream and the truck drags our car through two lanes at this point i only have horrible pain in my body but that's it, I can't even think about how bad she is. She unconscious... I reach over to try and find a pulse I don't feel one. " Fuckk. Come on soph wake up come on." I says as I see people running over to the car. "Are you okay ma'am?" One guy says looking at me. "Yeah I think but my friend here she's unconscious. Can I use your phone please my phone isn't working?" I say starting to tear up thinking about Sophia

"Yeah of course" the man says handing me his phone through the window

I grab the phone and go to dial pad and call 9-1-1.

9-1-1 what's your emergency. The lady says

"Hi this is agent Erin Lindsay. Badge number 11424 I'm involved in a car wreck. With a semi truck license plat number 4356 str. And we are on south eagle drive my friend Sophia Hermann is unconscious." I say to the dispatcher lady

"Okay detective we are sending police and fire to your location now!" The lady says

I hang up and sit there and wait while feeling bad about everything that Sophia has been through in the past month. Then I hear sirens

A/n: oh no what's going to happen keep reading to find out!

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