(chapter 15)

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Once I get there I walk out to the squad table and I see James in my seat
"Your in my seat" I say talking about the seat across from Kelly
"Well it's my seat now move your feet lose your seat" he says and capo laughs and Kelly watches everything
"I'm your co. Lieutenant move before I make you" I say to him
"Hes my lieutenant your the lieutenant when he's not I don't see him leaving anytime soon baby" he says smirking
"Whatever, yunno nice guy you got there kel" I say walking away and going to the common room and sitting at the truck table with my dad
"How's the new guy?" He asks my dad doesn't know about what James did to me quite honestly I didn't have time to so it'll be good for him not to know for right now
"If he talks to me I might rip his head off" I say laying my head on the table and my dad just rubs my back
"What did he do?" He asks
"Nothing he's just not a fan of first impressions I guess" I say shrugging my shoulder

Engine 51, Truck 81, squad 3, ambulance 61, car crash on turnpike 360

I run over to the turnout room and put my gear on and some shoves me aside and I see James walking away
"Dick" I mumble to myself grabbing my helmet and running to the squad truck and getting in my seat behind severide since I no longer have a choice anymore

Once we get out I run to the car's it's a semi truck crashed into a mini van I see that the passenger Window is down I reach in and try to find the ladies pulse grabby runs over to me I shake my head at her and he sighs and the kids in the back start crying

"I need jaws now the kids are crying" I say and Cruz runs over with jaws and we pry open the doors as severide cuts the roof off I reach over and see his leg is caugh between the seats
"Severide come help me with the seat" I say after he finishes taking the roof once he gets over we start trying to get the kids leg uncaught
"1...2...3" kelly say and he kicks the seat and i grab the kid while Cruz get the other boy from the backseat
"Shush its okay now" I say cradling the little baby boy
"We need to check him out" grabby says and I hand the child to grabby then something heavy falls on my boot and I winch in pain and look over at James and see him smirking this caught gabbys attention I walk over to him and were helmet to helmet
"Test me newbie" I say in his face
"Make me me baby girl" he says and I push him into the firetruvk take his water bottle and spill in on him
"Opps" I say and he pushes me and I push back
"BREAK IT UP NOW " Biden says and turn to him
"YOU TO, GO!" he says and I walk to the squad truck and sit in my seat while everyone else clean up and we head back to the fire house I go to Bodens office and see James there I stay standing on the wall
"What's up with you to" he says
"This chick was not very welcoming to me sir I did nothing" he says all innocent
"Bullshit Kenny" I say standing straight
"You can't be believing this shit" I say to boden
"Keep quiet hermann" he says to me warningly
"You to are going to be doing your job go him the next day and make it a routine do you got that if This happens again I'll have both of you off to the fire commission building and they will give you further information" he says and tells up to leave I then run to the squad table beating him to my seat
"Fuck" he says when I arrive at the seat
"Move your feet lose your seat" I say
"You can't play my own card against me"he says pouty
"Prissy prissy" I say to him while making a sad face
"Ugh" he groans and sit on the back chair
"You to are interesting" capp comments to stop the silence and I kick him under the table
"Ow! What was that for?"he asks
"For being a dumbass" I say to him and he looks back to his cards
"Hand me some" I tell Kelly and he hands me some cards and we play rummy with each other

Things with me and Kelly are less awkward now we definitely don't talk as mush as we use to but it's okay for now I don want a relationship right at this moment so being friends is good for now
"Can I talk to you sophia?" Grabby asks from the door I nod and follow her

"What's wrong?" I ask her

"Can you watch louie tonight me and Casey want to go to dinner?" She asks

"Yes of course gabs I would love to watch him just text me things I need to know" I say to her and she nods and lets me know what ti,e there dropping louie off and I walk over to shay and Kidd
"Yall want to hang with me at my place tonight with Louie I'm watch in him for Casey and dawson?" Dawson ask

"Yeah sure what time" Kidd says

"Come around 7pm that's when her and Casey are dropping louie off" I say and they nod and I go back to squad table and just chill there...



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