(chapter 19)

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It's 11:55 Stella will be here at 12:00 so I turn off my tv I grab my phone and a cfd sweatshirt and tie it around my waist and I make my way to my door I open the door and see Stella walking towards my door I come out and close the door behind me and lock it

"Hey" Stella says
"Hey long time no see" I joke
"Yeah it's been quite a while" she jokes back then we make our way to a diner to have lunch on the way there we talk about little things going on in our life like family, friends etc.

We park the car and walk in then get in a seat

"Hi I'm Caroline I will be your server today can i start you off with something to drink?" She asks politely
"I'll have a coffee" I say
"I'll have a coffee as well" Stella say the waitress takes down our drink orders and walks away with a "I'll be right back with your drinks"

"I wanna talk to you but i dont want you to be upset for me bringin this up" stella tells me
"No it's okay, I won't be mad I promise talk to me" I say
"What's going on with you and kelly?" She says not beating around any bushes
"Well it's complicated long story short I was in the hospital from helping Kelly ou of the building and he kissed me and said that me and his should date but we would have to keep it on the down low and I want a relationship I can talk about with people not something I need to hide and I told hi  to leave my room and he did since then we've been awkward" I explain
"Oh, well I felt as though I had some part in your and Kelly's distance from each other because I slept with him i want to reassure you there is nothing in the future for me and Kelly actually I think the only reason he slept with me is because he wanted you I know the only reason I slept with him is because I miss my ex boyfriend and kelly knows that but he talks about you all of the time and not in just a friendly way you can tell he wants so th i g more then friendship with you" Stella explains
"Wow I didn't even know any of that well expect the fact you slept with him but I'm not mad about that we are adults me and Kelly weren't together so I had no say in what he did and it's not your fault at all there my own reasons. I'm going to talk to him tomorrow at shift" I say to her
"Okay good because it's not just you who seems to be sad he definitely seems down as well he yelled at capp yesterday which never happens its like Kelly's on his period" she says and I laugh
"What did he yell at him about" I ask curious
"For cheating in a card game" she replies
"Capp always does that thought" I say smirking
"I know right but this time Kelly was in his ass about it" she says
"So how's you and relationships going" I ask and she smiles a little
"Well me and Antonio have been talking for quite a bit but that nothing" she admits
"Dawson?" I ask and she nods
"Go for him he's been all over the place for a while after what happened with him and Laura he needs to settle down" I say to her
"Yeah it's just hard to talk to someone and you keep telling yourself I'll do it tomorrow and never do it I guess that's procrastinating" she says realizing what she was doing all this time
"Yes I always do that, like when I say to myself at work tomorrow talk to Kelly then I never do then I tell myself the next day and I never come around to it but i am definitely doing it tomorrow I'm tired of waiting and being awkward around him" I say tapping my nails against the table

"Here you ladies go" the lady says handing us our drinks
"Thank you" we say together
"Your very welcome are you ladies ready to order?" She asks
"Yes I'll have a blt with French fries please" I say
"And I'll have a cheese burger with fries" Stella says
"Yes and yes coming right up" she says and walks to the kitchen soon after a little while of talking our food comes we eat it talk for a little while then we walk to our car get in and make our way home

During our ride home we drove on the turn pike we see a mini van crashed into a car with no one there except people recording me and Stella pull off the road and run over

"CHICAGO FIRE DEPARTMENT MOVE" we yell running over to the car's

"Yall arnt fire fights" one woman says

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