(Chapter 35)

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"Grant I told you we can't be together anymore.   I thought you just wanted to catch up." I say to grant
"Here is the thing Stella. Your going to be with me. You might be able to protect yourself i from of all those firemen. But not me" grant said
"But grant you can't for-" I was cut off my grant picking me up and pulling me against the wall
"Your gonna do as I fucking say Stella. And you aren't going to tell anyone. You tell anyone, it's your life" he says
"Okay! Okay! Just let me down please your hurting me" I say grabbing this hand
"Now where were we?" He says pulling my jacket off and removing my shirt.


"Nothing" Stella says moving away from me
"Something happened. Please talk to me" I say to her

Squad3, ambulance 61, battalion 25- alarm fire-unknown. Gaffney Medical Center-trauma wing

"This talk isn't over Kidd." I say running to the truck with severide and gearing up
"You alright?" He asks
"As best as I can be" I say hopping into the truck
"Let's roll" Kelly says and Cruz pulls out.

"Hey chief, sorry they had you come all the way out. It's just a false alarm" a doctor says coming out
"Thanks doc. I'm just going to have my squad roll in there with a thermal camera, check the place out to make sure." Chief says as I pull out the tic and walk in
"Tony, you take bravo. Newhouse, you take Charlie. Hermann delta. I'll stay on alpha and meet in the middle. Let's go, make it quick but smooth" Kelly barks as we split up

"All clear?" Kelly asks about 15 minutes later
"All clear lieutenant" I say
"Pack up let's go" he says turning towards the truck
I follow him.
"I think something is wrong with Kidd" I say
"What's wrong?" He asks
"Well she's just seems scared to say something" I say
"She only gets that way when she's been with grant, who Coincidently she's seen last night" I continue
"Did you talk to her?" He asks
"It's like talking to a wall" I say and he turns around and kisses me
"It's hot when you care about others" he says and then hugs me
"It's hot when you ignore what I say" I say rolling my eyes
"I'm not ignoring you. I think you should just wait. She will tell you when she's ready. Not everyone is up in arms to tell you everything" he says grabbing my hands
"I know. But if I wait it might be too late" I say
"Then I suggest you make her feel comfortable enough to tell you. People that are going through things don't always want to talk about it" he says letting go of my hands
"I love you." I say kissing him
"I love you too" he says kissing back as the rest of the squad meet us back at the truck.

"It's been a long night" I say grabbing my station bag from my locker
"Yeah. Oh and my dad is coming over tonight." Kelly says
"Alright" I say
We walks out after saying good bye and make it to Kelly's car
"Would you ever want to try again?" Kelly asks
"Try what again?" I say looking towards him
"Getting pregnant" he says grabbing my thigh
"Yes. I want you to be ready though" I say caressing his face
"I'm ready. More then ready sophia" he says with a bright smile
"I guess there isn't much to do other then to stop using protection since I don't use birth control" I say chuckling
"Nope so it should be easy" he comments as we drive home

"I'm tired" he says dropping his bag at the door
"I'm not. I want you to take me in every room in this apartment lieutenant." I say biting my lip
"If you say so." He say kissing me while pulling off my shirt.

"That was fun" I say out of breath in our room
"Fuck yeah" he says catching his breath
"I'm gonna go shower before Benny gets here" I say pulling the sheets from my body.
"I'll join in a a sec." he says grabbing some clothes out and following me

"It's burnt Kelly!" I say pulling the food out of the oven.
"I literally watched tv for 30 minutes." Kelly said dumbfounded
"Yeah well I told you to take it out after 15 minutes. Not 30, that's why it's burnt" I say throwing the oven mitt on the counter and opening the freezer.
"I forgot" I he says rubbing the back of his neck
"Clearly, and we need to find something else for dinner" I say looking around thinking
Kelly huffs and thinks as well
Kelly takes out a frozen lasagna out of the freezer and places it infront of me.
"My dad will eat anything." He says smiling
I grab it and throw it in the oven.
"And I'll watch it and make sure it doesn't burn" he says winking
"Yeah. You said that before" I say rolling my eyes making some garlic bread.
"Can you make some salad? I have carrot, lettuce, tomato's, and some peppers in the crisper. Can you grab them out and throw a salad together?" I ask pointing to the fridge.
He nods and begins making the salad

"Nice to see you again Sophia." Benny says smiling
"How have you been?" I ask letting him to our apartment.
"I've been good." He says walking in
"Hey pops" Kelly says coming out of the kitchen
"I see you have my son in there cooking" he says patting my back
"Well, he burnt the last meal I had set up so I'm having him watch the lasagna." I say looking over at Kelly who gives me a cheeky smile.
"I'm an easy man" he says walking over to to Kelly
Kelly and I bring the food out and set it on the table
I plate myself some as we all start digging in
I get a call
"Please excuse me while I take this call" I say standing up and Kelly looks at me weird.
"Who is it" he says quietly
"Boden" I say answering it and walking out of the room to the living room
"Whats up boden?" I ask
"Stella." He says to me.

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