(chapter 26)

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I've lost track of time and count of how many cuts I have. Though I have noticed every hour he gives me one cut...

I count 22 cuts which were on my arms, legs, and chest area

"Babe we are going to get ou of here, I promise" Kelly says trying  to scoot closer to me as I cry in pain

I nod trusting him as I smell smoke and see a shadow show up in the door
"I'm satisfied with how much physical damage I had done to you so I decided to let you off early" he says coming closer I notice him carrying a gasoline can and a box of matches

I start praying that me and Kelly get ou of here alive

I scoot closer to Kelly and cuddle next to him 

"I want to let you know something, I really don't mean to do this I'm mentally unstable and I was never able to get help and I took it out on you, I'm not doing it the demons are" he says spreading gasoline around us

"You can turn back, let us go, we will pretend nothing happened... If we walk out of here unharmed I don't know you No one knows you" I say to him

"It's too late now" he says lighting a match and throwing it into the room causing the room to engulf in flames

"Shit" I say I say see the flames licking the walls

I start to sweat from the heat along with Kelly

I then have an idea

"He didn't put the cuffs tight, slip out of the cuffs" I say to Kelly

"I can't he pulls my cuffs tighter" he says

Once I get the cuffs off of my hands the smoke is turning darker
I grab Kelly by the arms and pull him up but end up falling back

I fall on the ground and yelp in pain when I feel a burning sensation on my arm knowing the flame was behind me I get up and pull him up all the way and raise my knee to his abdomen

"Slam the chain to your cuffs onto my knee it'll break em"  i say my Boston accent peaking through a little

He slams then down and it breaks the chain

"Problem 1 complete, now we need to complete number 2" I say couching

"Try not to breath this stuff in" Kelly says to me and I nod

We spot a window close by

"Itll expand the fire and cause back draft" I say to Kelly

"Not if we work fast" he says walking up to the window

"You go first, I'm right behind you" he says

"Promise?" I ask him tears in my eyes

"Yes, GO!" He says punching the window I jump out of the window and land on a nearby roof and I see Kelly jump down and land next to me

He then jumps off the roof as firefighters pull up to the house and start running to help

They bring the ladder and help me down as paramedics come to look at me and Kelly

We are rushed to the nearest hospital

Once in the hospital we learn we are California

The doctors gave me and Kelly our own room to share

"Ms. Hermann?" The doctor askes coming in

"That's me" I say

"We ran some test and they came back positive for smoke inhalation, but your baby is luckily healthy, a few more minutes in the state you where you both would have been dead" he says motioning to me and the baby

"Thankyou" I say smiling at Kelly

"We are going to keep you here for a few more nights and keep an eye on you and the baby" he says to me then turns to Kelly

"Same for you, conditions could change in a few hours" he says

"Okay, thankyou and do you have a phone I could barrow?" Kelly asks

"Yes here you go" he says handing Kelly a phone


I grab the phone from the doctor and make a call
"Hello who's this?" The person on the other line asks
"It's Kelly! Just calling to let you guys know that me, Sophia and the baby are okay" I say looking at her
"Where are you, severide?" The man asks
"California but we will be there in a few days, once we are released from the hospital" I say to the man on the other line
"Okay be safe severide send sophia our love" he says
"Will do cheif" I say looking at her seeing he bright smile
"Goodbye" he says
"Goodbye" I respond

"51 send there love" I say giving the doctor his phone back
"Aww, that's nice of them" she says holding her stomach
"Are you okay?" I ask concerned
"Uh, yea. I'm okay" she says and lays down and turns the tv on


"Two Chicago fire department first responders found after being reported missing for almost a day, fortunately they have been found and they've been rushed to San Diego hospital...conditions and names have not been released requested by Chicago police department, if you have any information to help this investigation please contact 1-800- San Diego eyewitness" the reporter says while standing in front of the burning me and Kelly escaped from

"We should contact them, we have information" I say looking at Kelly
"You think?" He asks
"Yea, we know who it is, we know what caused the fire, I can help detectives by letting them know that it was targeted towards me"

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation but a call has came in from someone to you miss hermann, and I need to get an update on how you feel when your finished" the doctor says handing me a phone

"Okay thanks" I say taking the phone

"Hello?" I ask into the phone
"Hello, I'm forensic detective Joann ferry I wanted to call and let you know I or one of my detectives will be dropping by the hospital to get a statement on you and mr. Severide, is that okay?" She asks politely
"Yes that's fine" I say
"Okay we will be there soon" she says
"Okay" I say
"Goodbye" she says
"Bye" I say and she hangs up...

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