(Chapter 42)

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"Bye!" I say waiting towards lee Henry
"Bye sis" he says from the locker rooms
Me, Kelly and Stella all walk out of the station to our cars
"Should I pick up some food on the way home?" Stella ask
"Uh yeah that should be fine, what were you thinking?" I ask pulling out my wallet
"I was thinking maybe Chinese? Unless you guys want something else." Stella responds
"That's fine, I haven't had Chinese in a while. Kelly." I look over to him
He nods
"What do you want?" I ask
"Uh, whatever you get." He says walking to his car
Stella watches the exchange between me and Kelly
"What do you want" she asks
"Just get two sesame chickens, with pork fried rice and egg rolls" I say pulling out two 20's
She holds her hand out to stop me.
"I got it, it's the least I can do with you guys giving me a place to stay." She says
"No stella, take the money, you don't need to pay us back. We are family." I say giving her the money
She takes it and nods
"I'll be back to the apartment with it." She says getting in her car and driving off

"Isn't it a little early to be eating Chinese food?" Kelly says grabbing my hand
"I didn't think about that. I've been craving that so why not" I say shrugging my shoulders as we get into the car
"I love you, you know that?" Kelly says as he pulls out of the firehouse
"Yes I do, did you know that I love you as well?" I ask
"I think you lack saying that to me" he says with a fake sad face
"It goes both ways" I say leaning over the Console and kissing him
"As long as you keep doing that. Then I know you love me" he says driving
"Mhm" I say pulling my sweater closer to me
Me and Kelly sit in the comfortable silence driving
I see a car whip around the corner coming towards us
"Kelly!" I shout
He turns the wheel just missing the car coming towards us but we hit a tree pretty hard
My eyes follow the car as they drive off I look towards drivers seat
"Fuck" I say looking towards kelly
He looks disorientated.
"Hey, babe" I say and he looks towards me
"Look at me" I say to him
"You okay?" I ask as he tries to focus on me
"I'm alright, just a little blurry" he says pulling his head down towards the steeling wheel
"Hey come on, don't go to sleep Kelly!" I say as I hear beating at the window
"Are you guys alright? Is anyone hurt? We called 9-11" a man says trying to open my door
"I need an ambulance." I say pulling out my phone, guiding Kelly's head towards me
"Kelly, come on" I say as I see him open his eyes
"Look towards me" I say as I turn on my phone flashlight
I shine the light into his eyes to check
"Ma'am, I need you to sit back in your seat. We will send someone in to check- Sophia?" I hear the voice say as I turn towards the sound of the voice I see jay
"Jay, I need an ambulance. I think Kelly has a concussion, He's trying to sleep." I say looking at Kelly who seems to have lost all want to go to sleep
"We have paramedics coming." He says
"Does this door open?" He says pulling at the handle
"Uhm. Oh yeah, let me unlock it" I say pushing the unlock button.
Jays pulls the door open
"Okay, now come out. They will get Kelly out" jay says grabbing my arm
"No, I'm gonna wait for him." I say shooing him away.
"You need to make some room for the paramedics." Jay says as the paramedics walk up.
"Okay." I say looking at Kelly
The paramedics check Kelly out and conclude that he does have a concussion from impact of the steering wheel
They get Kelly on the stretcher as a paramedic walks up to me and Jay
"We need you to come with. We want you to get checked out as well." The paramedic says
I nod, thank Jay and walk off with the paramedic

"What happened?" I hear as stella runs up to me in me and Kelly's hospital room.
"Uhm. Grant, I'm pretty sure it was him. He tried to hit us. Kelly tried to get out of the way of the vehicle, we hit a tree." I say looking towards Kelly on the bed who hasn't waken up yet
"They treated him for his concussion, then said he was aloud to sleep for a little while." I say to her
I look towards the door as Will walks in
"So we have the results back from your blood test, I wanted to let you know something. Good news or bad news first?"
"Bad news?" I question
"Okay " he says pulling open his file
"Good news, nothing bad has happened to you. Bad news, well I guess it's not really bad news but I'm not sure how you feel about-" I cut will off
"Would you tell me?" I say chuckling
"Your pregnant." He says looking at me
Stella shoots her hands to her mouth
"Oh my." I say looking towards Kelly
"Wow." Is all I can say
"That's amazing! Baby Kelly's running around" Stella says
"Would you like me get you an appointment scheduled for you?" Will asks
"Yes please" I say
He nods and walks out
"How the hell, will I tell him?" I say to Stella
Who is still day dreaming over my pregnancy
"I'm not sure, he wants kids. So just tell him." She says
"Stella, I don't know what to think right now." I say to her
"He's awake." She says looking behind me
I turn around to see him slowly waking up.

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