(Chapter 29)

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Me and kelly walk into the apparatus floor, getting ready to leave and go home
"Babe!"kelly says
"Yes" i say turning to him
"You sure your ok?, i just dont understand why your acting like nothing happened. Its ok to be hurt and mad about what happened, i just want you to know that." He says looking down at me
"No, yeah of course im pissed and of course im hurt about it but im used to hiding shit and im becoming immune to this fucked up world" i say waving him off and walking to the uber

Kelly grab my arm and turn me around and kisses me passionatly
"I love you sophia hermann, im always gonne be here for you" kelly says pulling away from the kiss
"Thanks kelly" i say while walking back to the uber

He looks at me then back to hermann whos looking at sophia from the apparatus floor

"Sophia!" Hermann hollers from the apparatus floor

"What!" She snaps turning back to the station

"Come here" he says softly

Sophia walkes over to hermann and falls into his arms and starts crying on his shoulder
"Its going to be ok soph, i promise" hermann says to her while hugging her close
"I hope your right" she says wiping her tears
"We are all here for you, 9 in the morning, 10 at night, 4 at night. Im here to talk." Hermann says while looking at kelly
"This offer goes to you aswell sev, you went through as much shit as she did these past couple days, so if you guys need to talk to any of us we are here, you know how our shifts go" he says looking right at kelly
"Thanks herm" kelly says lolking at me
"You guys head home get some rest, spend time with eachother, come by molly tonight" hermann says smiling down at me and lokking to kelly

"I dont know if ill be in the mood to go out anywhere tonight dad" she says

"No pressure, just think about it, if you dont want to thats totally fine" he says

"Ok" i simply say walking to the uber then turning back to him

"Thanks" i say to him and turn back to the uber

We arrive at kelly apartment

I walk inside with kelly and kelly looks at me

"What do you wanna do?" He says looking down at me

" i have an idea" i say walking to his room

He follows me

I open his closet and get one of his squad shirts i pull my shirt off and put his shirt, i take off my pants and grab a pair of his sweat pants and throw them on and grab some sweatpants and a shirt for him and throw them at him

" here ya go, put these on" i say to him

He nods and puts them on

" good, come on" i say grabing his hand and walk to the living room with him

I push him onto the couch and lay on his lap and put on a movie

"Ok, what movie?" He says

"Cars 2" i say

"Why cars 2?" He asks smiling

"I think the baby will like it" i say rubbing my stomach

He smiles down at me while i rub my stomach

Kelly places his hand protectevely on my stomach and holds me close

We watch cars 2, soon drifting off to sleep with eachother

I feel myself being picked up, i start to freak out
"Put me down, please" i say pushing myself away from the person

"Soph, relax its kelly" kelly says softly
I start to cry in his arms and he holds me close
"Ok, im ok" i say as he places me in his bed and gets in next to me
"Go back to sleep baby" he says kissing my head as i drift back to sleep

I burst up in my sleep after feeling liquid around me. I flip up the blanket and see blood all around me
"KELLY, KELLY! WAKE UP" i scream at him, hitting him on the chest
He bursts up looking very worried
"Whats wrong"
"Im bleeding, somethings wrong with my baby" i say crying hysterically
"Its ok, its ok, its gonna be ok" he says loking for his phone and calling 911

"My girlfriend is pregnant and is bleeding everywhere" kelly says into the phone

"My address is...." Hs says into the phone

"Ok ok, i will" he says into the phone

"Baby, relax. Your gonna be ok, i promise" he says

"No im obviously not ok kelly look, im bleeding out my vigina, or my ass. I dont know but there is seriously something wrong with my, our baby" she screams at me

"Yes i understand but calm down" he says stressing

"No kelly, i cant calm down, my baby is dying. Where the hell are those paramedics" she yells as theres yells at the door

"Chicago fire Department, call out" we hear gabby and shay yell trying to find us

" in here" kelly yells

Gabby and shay burst into the room

Gabby runs to sophia and grabs her face
"Its gonna be ok, calm down" she says down to sophia
"Get her up" shay commands and gabby and shay pick sophia up and puther on the gerney.

"Come on kelly" shay says

Kelly, shay and gabby rush sophia into the ambulance and too the hospital....


Hey! Long time no see. How have you guys been? Ive been really busy, thats why i have'nt been active lately. Well heres a new chapter

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