(Chapter 34)

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"Would you wake up already!" I say smacking Kelly with the pillow
"I'm naked and it's cold." He whines and I throw him an undershirt of his and a pair of basketball shorts.
"How do you think I feel?" I say and he snaps up
"Your not naked" he says with a fake pout
"You woke up though" I say walking into the bathroom
"Ughhh the things you do to me." Kelly says from outside the bathroom.
"You can join me if you'd like" I say through the door and lock it laughing as he tries to get in
"Stand back, I'm coming in" he says
"No no" I say pulling the door open
"Shift starts in an hour." I say to him
"I only need 15 minutes babygirl" he says kissing me


"Good morning, you too look good" Matt says walking past us winking
"Yeah, why do you look like that." I say laughing
He mockingly makes a sad face
"I'm kidding" I say patting his back
"Oh and severide chief wants to see the two of you." Casey says pointing towards bodens office
"Thanks" we both say

We walk to the chief office.
"You wanted to see us?" I ask
"Yes, I see you too are made up now" chief says
"Yeah. We talked." Kelly says
"Great so then you won't need these" boden says holding up transfer papers I asked him to sign.
"No sir" I say grabbing them and tearing them in half
Boden smiles
"Im glad to hear. Now get a equipment check on the squad." He says patting kellys back who rolls his eyes then smiles at me
"I call ropes!" I say running out of bodens office to the squad truck
"Air packs!" Cruz says
"Hydraulic tools!" Tony says
"I guess I'll check the water rescue equipment" Kelly says climbing up to get it.

Squad 3, engine 51, truck 81, ambulance 61 hazardous incident response. Unknown substance. 21 panwood circ.

"Hey. They are still in there." This guys limps over to severide
"We got it man. Go get checked out" Kelly says handing him to paramedics
"Squad, Suit up. We are going in. Casey call in hazmat" Kelly says as I finish suiting up
"Capp, Cruz, your with me. Tony and Hermann your out here. Wait for hazmat and lead them in to help us" continues.
"Copy that" I say as they go in

"Severide, update?" Boden asks
"Capp and Cruz are coming out with victims. I'm in here with someone. He's down. I can't get to him without getting contaminated" he says
"Severide im sending Herman in" boden says pointing to me
"Severide!" I yell trying to find him
"Here" he says as I look over he is trying to get to the guy
He almost falls into the material. I grab him by his coat and pull him away from it
"Let's make a look in this rope, loop it around his leg. Pull his ass." I say as I start knotting the rope.
"Good idea" he says as he helps me
"Cruz I need a 6ft New York hook and a backboard" I say into my radio
"Copy" he says and brings one in.
"Hazmat here yet?" Severide asks
"Okay I'm going to loop this around his leg but to get it there I'm gonna use the hook to get it too him." I say to Cruz who helps me
"They are suiting up now lieutenant" tony reports back.
"I got it!" I say as I get the rope around him.
"Pull!" I say
"Almost there, keep pulling. Slowly"
"Got him. Got him" I say pulling him into the backboard
"Squad Get out of there, we have an open flame. Get out of there!" Boden says
"Coming now" I say
"Up on 3! 1, 2,3 up" severide says
We all help with the backboard and get it outside
"Get water on that flame" boden demands engine who carefully extinguished the flame being careful of the material

A bunch of guys from a decontamination team grabs us and pulls us into a tent for decontamination.
"Arms up." They say and start spraying me down.
"Legs out" they decontaminate my legs and the rest of my body
Along with everyone else who's been in the building.

"Hazmat just found the source of the material, everyone clean up. Squad stay back. Get throughly checked. Then meet us back at the station" boden says walking off to his vehicle

"Squad pack up, heading back to the station." Kelly says as we finally are all decontaminated.
"Finally" Cruz says
"I know. Three hours" I say chuckling
"I need lunch." Capp says

We get back to the station, take showers and get some lunch for ourselves
"You did good back there Sophia" Matt says
"I agree" I say patting my own back and laughing
"I hate that's your a firefighter" my dad smiles and rolls his eyes.
"Yeah. I know" I say taking a bite from my sandwich.
"Severide. You keeping her safe?" Hermann says to Kelly
"Always" Kelly says and looks at me

"Hey I'm looking for Stella kidd." I turn around to find Brett letting grant know where Stella is
"No." I say pointing at him
"Why are you here?" I ask him
"I need to talk to her" he says
"No. Turn around and walk out of here now." I say getting in his face
"What's going on here" boden says
"He was just leaving" I say to grant who gives up and walks away
"Tell her ill be back later" he says
"I bet you won't." I say the turning around to see Kelly facing me
"Badass" he says kissing the top of my head
"Only for you" I say seeing Stella walk out of the locker rooms
"Hey I'll uh. Talk to you later" I say kissing him and walking off over to Stella
"Hey kidd!" I say catching up to her
"Hey!" She says turning around
"What happened when you met with grant" I say
"Nothing much. We just caught up and talked about some things" she says nervously
"You sure? If anything happened please let me know" I say to her
"Yeah always" she says
"Why though?" She asks
"He just stopped by. Looking for you. I told him to go home he said he'd be back" I say and she looks scared
"Stella. What's happened. Tell me now!" I say pulling her away."

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