#15 Jordan Eberle

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You sit on the bathroom floor with tears streaming down your face. In your hands is something that’s going to change you and your husband Jordan’s life. In your hands is a pregnancy test with a plus sign in it. You hear of tales that sometimes they can be false, but sitting around you were five other pregnancy tests to confirm your fears. But, at the same time you very happy, you’ve always loved kids and now you’re going have one of your own. The thing is you and Jordan have never talked about having kids yet and you too have only been married for about 7 months. You honestly don’t know how he’s going to react and you’re scared he’s going to leave you. I mean he has his hockey to focus on, but he had to know this was going to come. Didn’t he?

   It was after supper when Jordan came home from practice and having supper with the boys. You were sitting on the couch curled up with a blanket watching TV.

“Hey baby.” Jordan says giving you a kiss on the lips.

“Hi.” You quietly say back.

He looks at you funny because usually when he gets home you won’t stop talking, but he says nothing and sits down next you. He wraps his hand around your middle and you immediately tense up and he notices it but yet again he doesn’t say anything. You two watch TV, in complete uncomfortable silence, for about two hours. You mumble to Jordan that your tired and you head upstairs to your guys bedroom, with Jordan concerned eyes following you up the stairs.

   You can’t help but feel bad and you know that Jordan knows there’s something wrong. You head into the bathroom to get ready for bed and you can’t help but take the pregnancy test out from its hiding spot. You were so focused on it that you didn’t hear the bathroom door open.

“So that’s why you’ve been so quiet tonight?” Jordan asks.

You gasp and turn around to look at him still hold the test in your hands. You just gulp and nod your head.

“Are you positive? Sometimes they can be wrong.” He states staring at the test.

You sigh and say, “There are five other hidden in the trash can and every single one is positive.”

“And it’s mine right?” He asks nervously.

“Of course it’s yours! Who else’s would it-” You’re cut off mid rant by Jordan kissing you on the lips and you kiss back.

After a minute he pulls away and rests his forehead on yours. You look up at him and he has a huge smile on his face.

“I’m going to be a dad…..” He says happily.

“Y-you’re ok with this??” you ask nervously.

“Of course! Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know you were asking a bunch of questions at the beginning and you have hockey. We’ve also been married for 7 months and we never talked about kids…”

“Y/N I’m happy ok, besides it was going to happen, but it just happened sooner than expected. I love you so much Y/N.”

“I love you too Jordan.” You say happily.

He gets down on his knees and lifts up your shirt, looking at your small baby bump.

Kissing it he says “And I love you little guy.”


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